Sometimes we
can get very caught up in our arguments over descriptions of
problems, whether of war, peace, love, hope, all of which plays a
role in each of our moral value, belief systems. Now, sometimes I can
see this kind of focus as a distraction, that aides us by extracting
us from personal involvement to the situation. This is problematic,
which is why it's easier to focus on problems rather then solutions.
We are sorta, kinda, like little scientist, of negative thinking
brain activity experts, feeding negative neural-transmitting
humanitarian human thoughts. Whether we fight for what is right, or
for is wrong, we will always fight! We will fight for what belongs to
us individually, and that could be something as small, as just being
The first law of human nature is to protect one's self from
what is yours, or what is theirs! It is the law of connection to
human connection that we all need to work at maintaining the big
picture in life. The big picture is that, we as human beings should
never forget how interdependent we all are on one another. (Less we
forget)! To emphasize more on my point, let's look at a scenario!
Lets say, you win a million, trillion bucks (in a lottery or
something), okay: you encounter a problem, and it is that you are the
only person left in the whole world. The law of man's lust can only
be fulfilled, or satisfied when there is someone around to desires
what you possess. Example, (money, cars, houses, cloths, fame)!
Etc,.. You see, if you have all that money, and no one is around to
envy you, then you lose all interest in your possessions: all
bragging right are thrown out the window, without validation,
boosting up your pride. Without our human morals, respect, and
personal-values, as it relates to life and death, our lives could be
fair-game to kayos. Now, my reason for saying all this, is that we
complain about wars, we complain about religion! We complain about
poor people taking from us! We complain about leaders in every
organization, (Country, religions, laws, life, death, even something
as significant as house-whole roles, males, female gender positions)!
We talk about them all in the end, but we all voted, or agreed to
them in some small form, fashion. For example, women see the man as
the main bread winner in the house whole still to this day. With the
woman's right movement still very active today, woman are still stuck
taking care of man-syndrome! Men see women today as co-partners in
income earnings, but not in house whole chores, taking care of kids,
or even shopping for house whole goods! These things has never
changed in the big picture of our human lives! We get so caught up in
our leaders being in sex and money scandals that we can't see right,
from seeing wrong. We even complain about the behaviors of "our"
own children being turned against us! You see how well we have all
become schooled on the knowledge of negativity. We are living in a
state of negative-seeds producers in the human societies! Sometimes I
feel, it's like we are living with evil standards, that turns us
against ourselves. We pay more attention to what is negative around
us, then any solutions to fix us. I would even go as far as to say,
99.9% of our lives are spent in negative communications about what is
wrong, and never what is right. Solely we focus on what is consuming
our thoughts in the negative matters with labeling things, such as
religion. Really religion is what has kept us civilized for
centuries. All the subject matters I spoke of in previous
conversations above shows that every human being in the universe,
have now become negative-experts. Negative talking heads good at what
concerns negatives contexts.
talk about “religion!” Most of us complain about how the
“religion” does not work for us anymore! Better yet, how much
"religion" is the main cause for the destruction in our
communication, and mislead our human to human stewardship. We talk
about how “religion” has destroyed human relationships, such as
trust! Wow! What “power” we do denounce! If religion alone have
this kind of power: Whew! My opinion is that, we would be better
served, to get on the side of religion. Laughing! Although its no
joking matter, it puzzles me how much common sense it makes to join
the forces, of such a powerful entity, like religion right! The
kind of power that man gives “religion” to be able to destroy such
global human prospective's for century before this one, with a such a
catastrophic threat to our human well beings is blowing. We must reconsider our
fate to evil, and put ourselves in the hands of "religion."
My take on all this is, that it has nothing to do with centuries old
religions, that man say religion is the co-brat for, but
against man is the real co-brat. Man had to have some parts to played
in his own down falls! This is God's law, KJV,
is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him:
but the thing which come out of him, those are they that defile the
man." Man is the sole proprietor of his own evil division, not
religion. I believe that man is his own enemy! What do you say? Well
if you look at some of the contexts that I spoke of earlier, you will see
that this is the bargaining tool man use to alleviate personal
responsibilities, sin. We
have some how, thought, that if we blame religion and remove our
personal involvement as the solution, and removed religion from us as the cause, that we would some how become fixed.Humanity
have cause it's own dilemmas to our struggles in life. No matter what
titles we place on a particular man's belief, making it appear as if
it is some sorta religious psychosis it still is, what it is. In reality we all played a role
in that that faze of our beliefs as why we don't get alone with one another anymore. Let truth
guide us into doing what is good by one another, and negativity will
stop! It
is said that we all had something to do with evil's presence in and around us. Like
Adam Eves disobedience, to God, is what we always go back to but its really us who give life to evil constantly thriving in us. Where
does the evil come from? Man against man!
The enemy against God is
man! Man against man struggles against God! Man against man
distracts, and enforces evil acts upon one others. Man lack the
ability to follow instructions! Man is who invited evil to come in to us in the first place. I have never met evil to it's face, have you?
I have never met God to his face, have you? But I have looked into
the eyes of men, and saw God. I have seen evil in the faces of men! God stabilizes through man: just as evil stabilizes through
man! You and I are the only tools either have to use to be effective
in man! People need to start gathering all the empty buckets we can
find, because in the end: we can fool some of the people some of the
time, but we cannot fool ourselves none of the time. We need
something to dump all this evil on instead of blaming religion's.
Get some buckets, and fill them with confessions. We may deny
reality but not truth. Why, because it abides inside of us all. We can only except truth in reality to grow, and to heal from
such a state of polluted thoughts! We can free ourselves from the
evil inside of us. If there is nothing to hide to enslavement us to evil, evil cannot be enforced upon us! An enemy needs resistance to gain
pleasure in a pursuit to harm a man, or beast for that matter. God
has warned us for years that the road is narrow. Why is the road
narrow? Because the path to glory and righteousness is in us! The
path was the way by which He died for us. He was beaten, torn, and nailed
to the cross for us! Jesus lives in us all! All man has to do, is
activate Jesus in himself through belief and sacrifice! Man needs
to deactivate evil from himself for disobedience toward Jesus. Adam
and eve sinned in nature against us all. Everything negativity is
about spiritual warfare trying to rule our flesh. Choose ye this day
who you shall serve! The struggles against truth, and understanding is due to evil's pursuit in us. Evil needs you and I to give it permission to be
activated. Like a vampire, once you ask it in you can never put it
out. Jesus has to also be activated in us, too! God…. Jesus ….Lord
…King is yours and mines, only help in times of trouble!
we go off that narrow road, we activate in us egotistical, vain,
self-centered, lustful, distracting, carrying baggage with an untamed
tongue. Sin weigh ourselves down! Our own tongue talks to our brains, and it's
very reason to exist in to deny truth, because it's all about us! It is the
science of no fact. The brain still reasons for the state of the
body, but truth outside the body is in a state of hypothesizes to
the brains sense of reason. I am speaking scientific terminology with unproven in reality, but real spiritual affirmation. Deception is a big road-block to self-reasoning!
We see truth and start looking the other way! We look truth right in
the face and still deny it! We look in the mirror and even deny our
own existence. Man kills man! Man feeds man! Man is the Father of his
own sins! Man renders his own seed to death, not truth. Such as did
Adam in the beginning, when he denied his own part to accept
responsibility, for taking a bite out of the apple! Eve's deception
was listening to evil, over God. They both played a part to the
invitation to evil through temptation. Evil invited them in and they
accepted! Now we need the very God, who told us not to eat of the
tree: to save us from the tree of nature in knowledge. The tree of man's life is his future seeds! Whew! GOD! I feel Him up in here talking in me! Speak
Lord thy servant hear thee! Man
has always blamed something else on his problems, superseding what we
precede as a lack of visual reasoning, so as not to accept the
unseen truth. We blame religion for our lack, because God cannot be
seen by the naked eye. If a murderer, or a child molester, woman
killer, or a robber, I could go on, and on showing their true face called evil. That is the name we would give man who present
evil, or label him as evil himself. Being evil on the front line of war during peace time, clearly
can be seen as evil! We denounce our own sense of reality, choosing to rather live in darkness, than the light. We can see darkness still and stiff, but
light is never still, as it is always on the move consuming the spaces around it.
Now that you have turned off the switch to the
light of God, who is seen by man, as the main reason for human
relationship calamities, hum mm, religion what say you to all this? Clearly if we are able to
see evil, we assume it is reachable and touchable to fix. Like our
judicial system, which uses the death penalty, so on, and so forth,
to show us evil acts will not be tolerated. Evil will be deactivated from it's original source of origin in man. You
have to have faith to activate belief in faith; therefore, it
is not really excepted inside of each of us as we perceive it to be
outside of us. Religion is not the co-brat to man's problems. Man is
mans own enemy. We are the co-brat to our own kayos and destruction! Evil is seeking to live in
man, giving life to it self! We
justify, and excuse our flesh with the rhythm, rhymes and reasons, with lies to keep from doing the right things from what is wrong!
There is always a way of escape! This is the excuse people use, for
example they quickly say, well we are only flesh! You know us humans, we just live as spiritual
beings living human. They often say we are weak in our flesh! hum mm... We are not spirit
beings yet, so God understands us better then we understand ourselves. When we fall He will forgives us! Hum mm. He died so we don't have
to die no more. hum mm The devil wrote this song, and people sing it. The saints sing it this sung. The world sing it, and on and on! Close the mouth, and wake up to action to faith and truth! It is a time for action, now! Religion
is just that, nothing but religion. Man refer to the faith as the
church, because they are not connected to the faith of God. The
religious ideas, and practices in life styles, and fashion is what the
world are really connected to in church buildings. No inner change can be found, when spiritual faith, against human reason with, or explained away. KJV,
Timothy 3:4, “Having
a form of godliness but denying the power thereof: from such turn
When we deal with the subject of man with God. We see, in
the eyes of the world looking in, when a church believing Preacher
loses their way, so does man's representation of God. If a preacher
falls, then the people lose faith in God, and they also fall
willingly. Many are found walking into the tricks of the devil in isolation! We are not God! As
human beings, we must understand our natural states of flesh-flaws, (are only second nature). There is no excuse for not controlling
flesh-flaws. we just need to make ourselves aware of them. Our mind's first
dedication, is to the body. Our mind will reason even with pathological lies, just to make the medicine go down easier. The things that we think makes sense, do not make sense. common sense can appear to makes sense, so we can
except it better that's the only reason for common sense. Reasoning with our flesh is just like seeking escape,
sustainable in us individually, for more mental stability. Without reason we
would never trust anything right, or wrong. We must reason with
ourselves even to receive, or perceived belief in God. what is believable as evil must first be perceived as evil. We must do the opposite to reason
with spiritual belief through blind faith not reasoning. Even for our own existence, when believing in ones self in life as well to face death we reason it so. We have never seen death. We believe death is
coming, because we see it everyday. The mind helps us to find a way
for the body to except it's fate, for a future happenings even though it's with our own death.
place themselves in the hands of faith, through hope, for all
believers with a hope way beyond life as we know it to be. Usually
fantasy, is the worlds way to deals with reality to be able to accept
life and death. Man would rather be in a delusion of what is not,
then to face what is. We place labels and blame on things that do not
make sense to the common mind! When we have a belief, that is accused
as religious failures by others with the same expectation as
believers, falls it doesn't appear as true, and strong faith to the
viewer outside judging it. Individuals whose weaknesses are exposed
inconsistency will linger in accusation of the spiritual morals of
faith. One believer may have per-expectations placed on another
through a common bond, because they believe the same religious law,
set by their faith. If such a one falls away from that religious law,
judgment is placed on that individual. At some point a
godly-reputation is now laced in the minds of a judgmental world. Now
if human beings start judging one another, they may activate a
spiritual-catastrophic of not being able to be influences to believe
in God. There is no outward change, for the acceptance of the true
and living God. The world fights again the true activation of belief
in god-fearing believer, because of the anti-Christ form of godliness
by the action of man. The world reorganize how others representation
of God, reputation, is presented through man and who denounce any
ties to believe, so they don't trust it. Now this is all because of
mans handling of God's reputation in representation poorly. Once the
world gets the representational of
the so called form of godly man, seeing how he has been tampered
with, it set the pace of interference by the Political and judicial
system as well, which separated us as a lawless man with God. Only
keeping with the personal responsibility to dump the mess! Dumping the mess will only
set us free! Let it evil go! Dump the devil off! Dump the human excuses!
We all
belong to Jesus! Jesus was the one that died for you and me! We
cannot go to God, except we go through Jesus first! Jesus requires
circumcision and cleaning of the heart, mind, and body! Sin of
Omission, and sins of Commission have built it's house, today, in a
new home called deception! It all spiritual warfare. Not to know the
truth to be cursed! Knowledge informs, and warns, not persecutes, or
deforms! We must learn how to get ourselves right with the true and
living Jesus! The healing process come when knowledge is known. The
flawed second to the nature of man, is evil, which involves our ego,
our the pride of our lust! I worry about old residues! We carry old
residues of sin, from evil throughout our lives. We see where we go
wrong, but justify if away with reasoning. People say that Love will
cover it! No! Love won’t be about garbage! Perfect love is pure
love, it cannot be tainted by mixing it with waste. It cannot even
be in the presence of filthiness. We must get rid of the waste in our
lives, and just love one another, do right. Love can come into our
lives and clean up our environment through Christ Jesus that resides
in us all as a perfect love. Confession is good for the soul! Yes it
is! We must all confess our faults one to another! We must dump all
old resides of our father's and mother's, grand parent's curses! God
is saying time is at hand. We have been given amble time, in his eyes
to get it right, and to the reinforce our rebirth in our Father
Jesus' regenerated through His Holy spiritual DNA!