Today I would like to talk about, love being boxed up!
I have noticed through my time with people known, and unknown too often, when loving on humanity as a whole, people want to individualize love, by narrowing love into a personal love space that surrounds only them. I feel that love bound up can only frustrate it's intentions. Love is free and must always remain free to be active to it's cause. A place where the power of love is boxed up, can cause that very love, to uses strong painful forced to escape it's captors. While it is good to feel love, as each person takes personal ownership over their need for love. Do not box love in, for love need to be freely expressed. For perverted love bound, could back firer to pain. Let's check our motive when seeking love, and first find a personal way to satisfy that core need for love, before we usher in love to cover recoverable space with manipulating intentions.
As a people we seek love like we seek oxygen, food, and breath! We need to feel loved by as many people as we can. One of the thing about love that I have noticed concerning God's creation, is that we human's were created with an undying desire for love. Love drives us to many levels, some good and some bad, even so, just for a little touch of love, we will risk a lot: this is semi good and semi bad in a way. God is the “Ultimate Love” to all humanity, animals, and all other living things. If love, is so much to so many, we must know that to capture love in a box to personally find fulfillment for self can lead to love overload unsatisfied. Love overload can open doors to unknown entities that are more harmful then not. Women often seek love in ways that cost them their dignity, while men, too often seek love from a place of personal satisfaction for only a given time with a kind of cockiness to think, when one is not available another is waiting around the corner just for them. This perception is not a definite concrete fact to all males and female, but a great population of both sexes fall prey to paying a high cost to find love for themselves.
The bottom line here in this lesson today,is that we as a people must love as Christ would love us. It is not about flesh loving. Sometimes I feel that we as a humanity get fleshly love mixed in with agape love. God's love is not perverted, but pure, it has no motives, and the price He paid took total care of all needs, and intentions for a need to have love. Christ gave us all a love that could never be cloned, copied, printed, or even salvaged for control, boxed in, or manipulated for personal use. Love is descriptive to a broader amount of space that can never see an end to it's means. Love can touch all people with the disciplined of purity even with selfish want, love is intended to be distributed without harm, or deceit, but rather for our spiritual, soulful growth.
When we love on one another without motives, having pure intentions to share love honestly we can provoke healing, deliverance, permanent change from dominated spiritual possessions, right thinking, and conscious thinking, to unconscious awareness for the good of all to mature and maintain core confidence, for being able to blossom into the love flower you are. Through love we can cause an effect of world kindness, to better treat humanity, with respect one toward the other. We can learn and teach each other through pure love, how to walk in our purpose, while living our lives to the fullest. We have not because we ask not! I sometimes think that we as a people have been so tainted with the world's idea about love, that we sometimes can not fancy true love that is Divine, Omnipotent, Supreme and out of this world, that makes a difference, and is un-beholding to the human naked eye. There is a rainbow at the end of every cloud, a sign of God's promise to Abraham to not destroy the people if there is at least one righteous living among us, but I see multitudes of righteous living people who are full and vibrant in love and grace, with plenty of mercy shown to many. Keep up the good work and KEEP HOPE ALIVE!.
Let your love fill me
Let your peace submerge
Let your spirit cover me
Let your will be mine
Let your light surround me
Let me not fear what evil can do to me,
rather, I fear in reference God over all.
Rosetta Nesbitt
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