One citizen's view's about :
America's New Health Care Act
When you look at this New Health Insurance bill, you see three things, them verses us, verse money! The Health Insurance agencies has never, nor will they ever be for the people. I listen to all the politicians, fighting about the New Health Care Bill Act, and the only thing I hear, from the Presidential candidates, who seem to be Republicans, is about cost, not it's effectiveness for the betterment of people! They fight about how much money it will cost the state, and how much the new Health Care Bill Act, will cost the people who will suffer most, and the tax payer's burden, concerning it, on and on! The reality is that their are many people out of Health Insurance, right now, that will be covered with this new Health Care Bill, Act. There are senior citizens, who can receive equal care without bios, from this new Health care Act. The Big question mark is???????? Why do we offer children, totally free Health Care, paid in full, by the state, given dental and all, even when they don't have teeth to need coverage; meanwhile, our seniors citizens, can barely get coverage at all, without high premiums cost to themselves. These people really can't afford these high premiums, yet have a great need for? Answer! The children get full coverage because they won't hardly use it, anyway! Our seniors citizens cannot get the same coverage, as their younger counter parts, without great price to themselves, yet they are retired, honorable, American citizens, who has paid their dues to society. Our Seniors are the very people in our population, who has paved the way in life for all the young adults today, such as, doctors, lawyers, teachers, cooks, nurses, all middle aged people doing their jobs now. Now the final analysis on what this is all about the bottom line ******MoNEy, MoNey MONey!***** The race for the 2012 Presidency, who are mainly, Republicans are all about saving face, on the cost side of things, in our country at the expense of the people here. The debt is already high, so whats their point? They are rich, so they are not feeling it like we are!
What is so bad about the New Health Care Bill Act? Nothing! Nothing is wrong with it, EXCEPT ALL PEOPLE WILL HAVE INSURANCE COVERAGE, MAYBE! This is not bad news, you know, its all good! The Republicans are good at convincing the people to side with them, but they are not for the people they are convincing. They make you believe that you are fighting to make good for the economy but they are keeping the insurance crooks in control. You are being mislead to helped these politicians, without even knowing that you are. Your input to the political portion of it, will only keep you paying higher Insurance rates, to an inadequate insurance agencies and doctors, who I feel are crooks really! These HMO's treat people who pay, yet unbeknown to the patients, they are just taking their money, and still giving them ware-fare coverage! Sh! It's their secret! The insurance agencies dictate to the doctors what they can, or cannot do with their patient treatments, and giving us all the run around. When we go to a doctor's visit, sick, they make you feel like things are being done to help you, but not really. Even the doctors feel bad for you, when you get one who cares.
If you really think that this new state, Health Care Bill Act, could not work for us, then I ask that you look at your current Insurance coverage, now and ask yourself, what are your limitations to health care with all that you are paying? List the pros and cons, with the coming changes, and weight those changes with the ones in the new Bill! What are the changes between the new Health Care bill and what you Got now? Are you better off taking a chance for change, then not at all? All HMO's are similar, in co-pay, and coverage for treatment plans, while some people pay more for the same cover, other pay little to none, yet it's still all the same treatment plan and coverage receive by all! The new Health Insurance will keep us all from being singled out, by our ability to pay, or not. Under the New health Care Bill, also coverage will work for all who can pay, and those who cannot! Have you notice, when you go to the emergency room with severe pain, they give you narcotics as the first method of treatment, instead of trying the simplest, less addictive pain killers first? They are giving narcotics out like candy, at hospitals today which do not make for a better American. When I was coming up as a child, being fifty-five years old, the doctors went through scrutiny, just to give out Motrin to patients. It is the New health Care Bill Act, that you will bring better care with more control, and we would have political politicians to hold accountable when things go wrong. Right now the insurance companies are untouchable. I Feel that this new bill will illuminate the Insurance agencies control over our health care and doctors. I think it could take control out of the hands of those giving narcotics out so easily, like candy, too, at these hospitals, better monitoring the narcotic drugs accessible to our children, because they are the main ones becoming addicted to them.
They have all these talking heads in the media, paid talking head professionals, feeding you doubt about what your county's motives, over the new health care plan. They are trying, probably with pay, doing this to discourage us about the New Health Care Act. In the New Health Care Act, we can at least try something new for a change and see if it will work! Lets just give it a try! Take a chance! Risk it! Things aren't written in stone! Even if there are some tricks still being played out in the system, old and new, there can be no contest with something that works for the people. We got more dangerous tricks already playing out with our health care that's in place now, which makes change worth the risk! What are we loosing, really? Nothing! We shall all gain more then not, in my opinion. I believe, if the health care system is already broke, before sticking with the old ways, try something new, and fix it! i admire our President for at least wanting to try something new out here! Never let the something old, none working system stay the same, at the expense of the people. The republicans don't want you to know this, but they are all about the money, concerning this health care bill! If you are suffering, now, and chances are, 2012 Nick Romney, a Presidential Candidate, will just make you suffer even more, if they get to stop this new effort to make things work for the people with their health care. Republicans are the very people, who have put us in this mess, greedy Republicans, caring nothing about the people. They treat America like it's their man cave!
Think about what you want in this country, and fight for that without doubt! Stop listening to people who's only concerns are about money, and not people! They are paying experts, to say what you need to hear, but after you vote them in office, deceived by what they say, watch what they do for you! We will never get things these politicians promised anyway. THINK ABOUT IT! WHO ARE THE TWO BIGGEST MONEY MAKING COMPANIES IN OUR COUNTRY TODAY? BANKS & INSURANCES COMPANIES! So don't you think they got enough money to get into your heads? They can trick you into thinking just like them, believing that something is for you, but it's is really against you! Man! I don't understand how we can continue to be so gullible, over and over again, to these republican tricks! If you went to college, like I did, then you would know, in English class, they taught us how the media pay talking heads to convince us to believe “their truth.” Really, they are all lies. Then there is the inoculation of information, sneaking in our heads over, and over, again, time after time we are being feed unfair politic. We have been receiving information that was stored in our heads, for a future reaction to their ways, such as this health care package. The New Health care Bill today is a change to make something not working for the people work better. Then you got the psychological-colors schemes, that feed our brains more then just beauty. Being an Artist myself, over time using colors when painting, I notice how my brain jumps at different colors I would use. When applied in different combinations to a canvas, it's has effected my mood daily. My mood would be up one day, and down another day, up one day, down another day just painting with colors. I became so addicted to these color and their effect on my mood changes, that I became a very emotionally unstable person. lol You know what they say about Artist? “All Artist, has some sort of Mental illness” Well guess what, you have just become a member of the artist, masses without even knowing it! Colors are being used throughout, all the medias to get into your heads, too.
Don't give up this chance to dig deep into change. Our health Care System has been going down hill for years, and seem not to be working for us anymore. People are dying, that really could have been saved. For years we have been patients, this is at the mercy of the insurance agencies. It is better to take a chance on change, for something better, then not to do nothing at all! Stop the suffering and dying! Stop having people suffer unnecessary, when we have things to treat people and help them. The way things are now, with our health care plans, money is our doctors to patients. If you get sick, would you want money treating you or the doctor? No! Money cannot heal you like doctors do! I n order to receive good health care, as it stand, it's you money, or you die! What is this? Has our value system in America lost all it's marbles. Where are our values standard in America today? The other thing, is the Republications want you to think the change in the Health Care Bill, can destroy the Health Care System for the people over all! Well, look at who's talking! The very ones who got money already to pay their insurance companies. Maybe the insurance companies are so big, that they even pay the presidential candidates to sing their song, to the world over the media! The bottom line, here for me, is why not try something new! If this new Health care Act does not work out for us, then they can rethink it, and come up with something else. We can always, just go back to the old health care system, if needs be! Nothing is writing in stone on this Bill. Change is good! So stop fighting for the politicians rights, and their point views, and start fighting for your rights, and your peers rights!
Rosetta Nesbitt
P.S. To all American citizen, we hear all the fighting between the politicians about the new health Care Act, but really the only opinions we need to help us make a sensible choice is the people’s voice, your peers! If you agree, can you write you views as the same heading as mine and place it in this form. The people's voice got to be part of this major decision making process, because some people have health insurance, and others do not! What are your experience and how would you think having a new experience could benefit you! Many of your peers have experience the high cost of the prescription drugs, while others could not even get theirs for lack of funds. We need to share what we think with each other, and stop listening to these politicians, who has a lot at stake in the New Health Care Bill, not working for us! Will you say how you feel about it too?