The most common mistakes we make in gaining deliverance is we don't eat the meat, we skim the plate, and miss the main course. Eat and be filled!
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Sometimes we prematurely give up on what, and those we love, but the reality is , when trouble hits your door it has to exult all it means to do so at that time, because trouble has only been given space and time in the human life for a time, I might add, or a season. Once that time, or season is over, trouble has got to go. Trouble won't be with us always! If we can buy the time wisely and not be moved then trouble will let go of you. trouble can't last always. Never stay down too long, or trouble will have you trapped in a delusion, just long enough to fool you into thinking you've tried so you give up, then take you out.
Why do We fear? We fear because of consequence set in the path of our choices. We are not our troubles, but our troubles come to make us stronger. How we see trouble in our lives will dictate it's potency of effects in or on our lives. We see things the way we do, because we worry, and we fret over things we can not change, and do not change the things we can. So what do we do? We are to pray for wisdom to change only what we can, and what we cannot pray for the wisdom to know the difference. If you are still here, God is not done with you yet. Never give up, and don't stop, because you have a job to do that only you can. Yes YOU! You were chosen to be here to complete a journey. If you can not see that journey then follow your instincts. Your instincts will lead you to where you are to be in life.
Letting go of old and new baggage is the best thing we can do for ourselves. If we hold onto things we have little to no power over, they will and can weigh us down early before our time. Live long and prosper, for God is not marked. The old, and new residues of free radicals that comes with trouble are just a trick of the negativity in our lives. We Sometimes call this evil, the devil, many do/or don't believe in him as such, but they know there is an evil , this *all* can agree. Love will give you strength to get through anything, so if people would love one another they can help lift others without a physical touch, but with spiritual exultation. Lift someone else up to their fullest potential with love influence. Many don't know love as powerful as it is, but love in the form of one word, can move a person from the pit to the mountains, from the valley, to the hill tops. One word can deliver someone from bondage, and restore wholeness with just one word.
Love can awaken the dead spirit in you. The spirit that don't hardly want to fight to move on in freedom. Lift up your heads, oh ye gates, and the King of Glory shall come in. Lift your head ye mighty gates, and be lifted high up above the heavenls, the Hos our King! The Lord, Power, and Dominion and Glory,Mighty in Battle! The most common mistake we make, is not eating the meat. We short cut to what our itchy ears wanna hear, and we miss out on the main course of a lesson. which can keeps us out of trouble. Trouble has no favorites. trouble will consume a victim without their permission, overtaking their thoughts before they know it, then they find themselves bruised, and alone and hurting, yet lost, and unaware of their truth, their journey.
Rosetta W. Nesbitt
August 11, 2011
Sometimes we prematurely give up on what, and those we love, but the reality is , when trouble hits your door it has to exult all it means to do so at that time, because trouble has only been given space and time in the human life for a time, I might add, or a season. Once that time, or season is over, trouble has got to go. Trouble won't be with us always! If we can buy the time wisely and not be moved then trouble will let go of you. trouble can't last always. Never stay down too long, or trouble will have you trapped in a delusion, just long enough to fool you into thinking you've tried so you give up, then take you out.
Why do We fear? We fear because of consequence set in the path of our choices. We are not our troubles, but our troubles come to make us stronger. How we see trouble in our lives will dictate it's potency of effects in or on our lives. We see things the way we do, because we worry, and we fret over things we can not change, and do not change the things we can. So what do we do? We are to pray for wisdom to change only what we can, and what we cannot pray for the wisdom to know the difference. If you are still here, God is not done with you yet. Never give up, and don't stop, because you have a job to do that only you can. Yes YOU! You were chosen to be here to complete a journey. If you can not see that journey then follow your instincts. Your instincts will lead you to where you are to be in life.
Letting go of old and new baggage is the best thing we can do for ourselves. If we hold onto things we have little to no power over, they will and can weigh us down early before our time. Live long and prosper, for God is not marked. The old, and new residues of free radicals that comes with trouble are just a trick of the negativity in our lives. We Sometimes call this evil, the devil, many do/or don't believe in him as such, but they know there is an evil , this *all* can agree. Love will give you strength to get through anything, so if people would love one another they can help lift others without a physical touch, but with spiritual exultation. Lift someone else up to their fullest potential with love influence. Many don't know love as powerful as it is, but love in the form of one word, can move a person from the pit to the mountains, from the valley, to the hill tops. One word can deliver someone from bondage, and restore wholeness with just one word.
Love can awaken the dead spirit in you. The spirit that don't hardly want to fight to move on in freedom. Lift up your heads, oh ye gates, and the King of Glory shall come in. Lift your head ye mighty gates, and be lifted high up above the heavenls, the Hos our King! The Lord, Power, and Dominion and Glory,Mighty in Battle! The most common mistake we make, is not eating the meat. We short cut to what our itchy ears wanna hear, and we miss out on the main course of a lesson. which can keeps us out of trouble. Trouble has no favorites. trouble will consume a victim without their permission, overtaking their thoughts before they know it, then they find themselves bruised, and alone and hurting, yet lost, and unaware of their truth, their journey.
Rosetta W. Nesbitt
August 11, 2011
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