Monday, December 26, 2011

The Swing

A lady walks by a park, 
A place where she grew up.
The park is old, empty, and gray.
Just when she looks over at the sliding board
Her mind goes off into her past.

Memorizing herself there....
playing with lots of girls and boys 
Running, and laughing to the chase.
She sneaks a giggle out loud unaware
She imagine seeing her little girl self there.

Seeing how happy she once was....
Was now a place filled with empty moments in time,
she began to relive memories of childhood 
While, not caring to see if anyone's around.

Looking over at the swing
She thought to see....
if the little boy who always beat her to the swing was there, 
Just before she took one step, looking everywhere...
She saw that he was no where to be found, she goes for the swing.

Closer and closer she gets to the swing...
A big smile on her face
then out of the blue, that little boy shows up too.
He jumped in to that last swing she thought to retrieve 
Hanging out his tongue at hers, Laughing 

Nan man nanny boo boo ...I got you!
I got here first, He said
Nam nanny boo boo!  

She squeezed her eyes tightly
to make the boy disappear.  
Because that little boy who always 
raced her to that last swing, and won again!
Hey!  ....she said...out of nowhere...
That's my swing, I saw it first.

She pauses! thought!
Hum mm
Hum mm
Wait one minute! 
This is my memory ... Not anyone else!

Closing her eyes tightly, tighter 
She said, 
I wish I may, 
I wish I may 
I wish I may have all these swings today.

She opens up her eyes... and all the swings
...where now empty
Not one child ...could be found for mile in the park .
She looks staring all around.

Yay! Yah! I did it!
Walking not running ... 
A big smirk on her face smiling ...with a big huge smile!
Sitting slowly on one swing,
She touches  it with her hands tenderly, as if it were soft.
She began counting...
one swing, two swing,  
three swing, four swing all for me.

Pumping and pumping
Higher and higher
Laughing and laughing out loud
Fun fun fun fun 

she thought, and closed her eyes to scream out...
Yelling higher! 
Higher, yells the little girl! 
Pumping and pumping..Much harder each time
higher, and higher, much higher she goes!
Swinging high in mid air

The little girl opens her eyes,  
when ....her lady self reappeared!
Shame appeared, too.
Because she caught herself 
swing on a swing dangling there.

She was reliving her childhood happiness!
So she began to smiles, 
smiling she goes, wow, this is fun... 
who cares if I'm not a child, cause I am having fun.

A man walks by looking up at the swinging lady
He said,
My you sure are swinging high!
She never heard him....
her eyes fix on the sky!

She was living her inner child! 
A big Breeze flowing through her long hair 
Thank you, she thought, to the little girl inside
You made my day, like a pie in the sky!

Swinging high 
Never noticing the man ...said goodbye
She'll never know he was the little boy,
who took the last swing, when she was a  child!
The man had come to the park ...
for one last look inside the memory of his inner child.

Rosetta Nesbitt

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