An Argument with mother"
Part One:
Adult Child:
You may be my mother, but I am grown!
Leave me alone!
You are always getting in my business!
Mine your own!
You think you know so much, because you’re older!
I hate you!
Get out of my life, and leave me the hell alone.
Adult Child gone to church!
...Hey Bishop More!
Yes sir!
I am ready to Praise our Lord:
Hey ya'll whets up?
Ready for the move of God today!
Where is your Mother today?
Adult Child
Oh she just was feeling bad today
I will pray for her!
Tell her we love her
Adult Child:
I will Sir
Music starts: Service begins
...Shouting begins
Praises go up!
Speaking in tongues!
Thanking God for his mercy and love!
Adult Child:
Caught up in the worship
I submit to you Jesus!
Part two:
Adult Child:
Back home again:
...Hey mom!
Why you sitting there like you done lost you best friend?
Why you acting like you mad?
You suppose to be my mother, helping me!
You act like you so right, all the time
That’s why we don't get alone, now,
Because of your mouth
That's why we fight so much!
Part Three
..Momma looks up at me with pain in her eyes and asks
How was the service today?
Adult Child:
The child says with excitement
You should have been there
We had a glorious time in the Lord
I got my shout on!
The power of God moved in that house today!
Well dear how do you really know, it was God moving, in the house today?
Adult Child:
There you go again
Always trying to start something with me
Stop being so dam sarcastic, and just say what you trying to say
Momma said:
Child after the way to talk to your mother today
Do you really think that God
Would hear anything you got to say?
Honey sometimes people pray up a mood.
They are filled with excitement
Shout a dance, of feel good
They pray a pray of submission,
And they even have the gale, to thank God for all the good feelings
They get from it all
They leave the church feeling happy and excited.
You see, honey that’s called mind games
Physiologist and therapist use it all the time to get people
To believe in themselves
Some people can be excited about the doctors attempt to try to help them, while
Others get a false climax from the excitement.
Others aren’t even a wear, when someone is reaching out to help save
Them from themselves
Adult Child:
So, what you trying to say?
I am just saying this
God does not play the Physiology game.
Either you are His, or you are not
When He touched you, His residue stays on you for a life time
God does not honor you, when you do not honor Him
The way you spoke to me, and went to church
Shouted all over the place, God was not in it!
Adult Child:
Momma, how you going to tell me, if I got God or not
You not me!
You think you know, so much, yet you know nothing.
Part Four:
I'll say it like this....
I know enough to stay right in this spot, until God tells me to move
Adult Child:
What you talking about mom?
God is a God of order
He does not hear
The way our ears hear
God hears with your actions
With how you treat people
With what do to people
You could have went to the club
And got those same results
You got at church today!
Now! Think for a minute
Who am I to you?
Adult Child said:
You my Mother
Well Child
God is your Mother, too
Your father
Your sister
And your brother the way you spoke to me
It is transferred directly to Him.
I don't think darkness and light can live together!
Light will always dominate darkness
From the way I see it, child Light always out/do darkness in every time
How can you submit to God, 'when you can't submit to me?
Out of respect to God, because I am your mother
The one who loves you
I fed you
Took care of you
Made your feel safe
Nurtured you, when you were sick
I doctored you
Stayed up late at night, and nursed you!
Now do you think that I deserve your tones?
While I watch my own handy work
...standing tall and grown here before me
You appear ungrateful and God see it!
He wants each of us to stand still, until we can learn to listen to each other.
Adult Child:
Well, that does make since.
God, Mothers, Father
If I can't respect you how will God hear me?
Thanks right honey!
We must first learn how to love one another...
Before we will even be given an ear form God
He said I would rather you be hot/cold, or
I will spit you out of my mouth
Can we talk civilized honey?
Adult Child: Cries :T:
Yes Mother!
I love you...
And I do love God
So I got to get it together and soon.
I am just afraid momma
Because I am grown now, and it too hard for me
To be my own
I am mad because at my age I am still home with you
You need me too more then I do you, and
I feel bad because I can't help you, even!
I feel like a failure!
Well honey
You are not a failure
You are from me and I will support you
As for me
I think God He got me and you this far,
While taking care of you, He took care of us both
We must be where He wants us to be
Can we start over?
Can we just kneel in prayer together and ask God's guidance?
Adult Child:
Ask God for what Momma?
Ask God for guidance
Ask Him to help us to help each other
Ask Him to clear our understandings to His will for us both
He will give you what you need baby.
God knows already
He was just waiting on us.
Adult Child:
What about the service today
Did' t God move in it
His spirit is a gift
He never withholds His presence from us
God is only activated in us
Right where we started
When He first show up
But with repentance, you and I both can activate the power of God in us
And He can do it right here,
Or anywhere you go
Not just in a building.
He is moving through us as we let Him
But can God reject a house so filthy,
If nothing in it is good, or can be salvaged
You can't have God and the world too!
Adult Child:
I am sorry that I talked to you the way I did, momma
You are my Mother
The one, God chose to watch over me
I must stop wearing you down out
And love everything that I know is good about you
Forgive me Please Momma!
You are my diamond in the rough
Forgive me Please God!
Forgive me Please Child!
Forgive me Please God!
Adult child:
Momma I feel free
Like, a weight lifted off me
Me to child!
Adult Child
Me, too Momma!
Script By: Rosetta Nesbitt