Thursday, July 5, 2012


The beauty of love, is when you can still stand in the mist of adversity, while still standing. Loving ones-self is our newest job! If the universe is willing to be patient with us a little longer, we shall soon get it right! Once we know what it is to love others, we shall truly know what it is to love ourselves.

It's not about the flesh to which we speak of self-love, it goes much deeper then that! If our inner spirit, should the concious inside us alll grow to understand that we shall all know truth. The toubles arounds us only comes to build in us charactor, and make us strong. We must endure hard times and grow with each adversity we are confronted with. The problem with most of us, is that we have been taught that it is not good that we shall feel pain. Without pain, there can't be no joy, without hate, there can be no love, with out shedding some tears sometimes, there can be no laughter! We must understand that God is inside us, as us! We must embrace our inner strenght showing care and compassion toward ourselves first. For in doing this we shall fulfill all interfering desires keeping us from loving others unconditionally. In order to present love to others unconditionally we must remove the condition already taken a position inside us!

I am filled to the rem in my heart with an overflowing love for man kind, that it makes me feel like I don't belong to this planet. I know that the universe agrees with me, because it speaks to me in the sound of my own voice. The universe informs me of what is to come, and what shall be a part us as truth is revealed. Love! Love! Love! Love! Love with all things in consideration, practice self-love first!

It will be the hardest job we have ever been confronted, learning to love ourselves genuinely! The beast is outside us, not in us! There is no room for the evil have a voice in us.  evil seeks to house it's homeless-self inside any available vessel, but Love has to take it's rightful place in us first to win the war against all evils around us in the world! We must not be willing participants of the tricks that evil will try to put on us! When we suffer, it's because evil has rejected us! If evil rejects us, then love has a good opportunity to become our permenant master. Take watch that you not be rocked to sleep by evil, for many have consented to this way!

Live a loving life of graditude, and visiual conciousness, being aware of your surroundings! Never let your love wax cold toward your familar human tribes, nor your enemies, yet embrace your enemy close, and keep you familar tribes, at a close distance.  Let trouble know you, and you not being preconcieved by trouble. Feel your sisters, your brothers pain, and hear their cries. Walk by their side, and be ar comforter to many.  Evil is real, and it torements without prejesty.  We are not heavy, we are our sister, and our brothers keepers. Lend them your sholder to cry on, to feel, to walk with, and build up. Help each other breathe while having truth with us that we should live and not die. Love shall lift us all higher then the history of lies have taught to us to believe!


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