Thursday, July 5, 2012

Let us hit the reset button on our christian walk, and start over again while we have a chance to still make a difference. The first order of our Christians journey, is to love, as the highest call to others. The first commandment say, Love the Lord your God with all your heart! Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! Rephrased I as, Love one another as you would want to be loved!

Lets start over with the world, by taking some heat for Christ Jesus with risk, and start loving unconditionally all men throughout the world, that they may see God in us all! We must take people as they are and let Gods love reign through us, whether they are doing what we think they should be doing, or not, receive them in love anyway. Love covers a multitude of sin.

What I have notice about some Christian thinking, is if they are in the mist of people who do what is not christian like, then as christians they would be contaminating themselves with sins, so we are to separate because of temptations and as saints of God! I say to the sick, (referencing all mankind) known as sinners, the very people "Christians" were called to preach the Gospel too: people we see with our eyes in-judgement as sinners, are the very ones that need our love and grace here on earth!

Jesus set at a table with sinners to eat with them, as not to offend, and his disciples questioned him saying, why would you sit here with heathens, and sub with them as Pure as you are. Jesus said to the disciples: it is the sick who are in need of a physician not the healthy!

There is a harvest out in the world where as christian we must go and harvest. It can cost you your life, but so did it cost Jesus His life, so why would you be any different from Christ, if you are giving His same message to the world.

Lets love one another, that's the first place to start! Make a change and it start today, that you, I, and anybody that is interested, love people where they are, and not be so offended if we are hurt by them, that's their job! When people don't have Christ, it is to me, a lot harder for us who do have Christ then not to love unconditionally. The very people wecatogorize as sinner are the ones we are here to harvest to Christ, free of all personal judgement with love after the heart of Christ. We as saints of God will always have haters, but we are never allowed to hate! Don't get me wrong, I am not advocating wrong over right, but that love can be the butter on the bread, love can be the jelly on the toast. God is love, therefore let us give God's love which is unsen but activated, and not the love of mankind that can only be judged through sight.

Peace, Love & Light, with harmony to the sisterhood, and the brotherhood!
****YOU MATTER****
Rosetta Wilson Nesbitt

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