Thursday, June 14, 2012

~~<3 A Vision From Heaven <3~~
i sit quietly pondering
waiting to hear that voice
to see that face
to be held closely in your arms of love
softly and all, so tenderly

i sit and i visualize
what does heaven look like?
what does it feel like?
Are the roads paved with gold, 
or does God even care that it is? 
Why Gold, and not clouds, fluffy and soft, 
with hardly any substance as ....
they are, but mire moisture's of mist.
Why would this earthly gold, valued little atom....
be of any importance as a substance ...
that heaven would have need to hold.

Then in my mind, I begin to wonder
i wondered around Gods thrown
i wondered around the halls long, and endless
i wondered around the twenty and four Elders.
Then i saw the twelve candle sticks, and 
i looked at their stands, to see what they were made of
Looking at them all i saw, that they really
had no substance, familiar to earth.
They had no labels, that man could place upon them.
i saw them, but they where untouchable by me.

Then i saw a light of firer, 
where it's light drew me close, and closer to it.
The firer begin to present to a  dance,....
as did the cloud paved road, down that long hallway.
The thrown, even begin to dance.
i am looking around, and i see the Angels 
they all filed the spaces around everything there.
Just when the Angels begin to sing, all others danced.
Everything danced a dance like i had never seen, 
by the human eyes before.

The twenty four Elders all stood up in unison,
while stretching out their arms toward the sky.
Can you believe it!
There is a sky even in heaven!
All of a sudden, i saw these people....
flocking toward a space,...
i would never call this space a room, mainly,
because it had no end to it in sight.

The people all wore white, but not of cloth.
The substance of their coverings, was of glowing light.
The room was instantly filled with a fragrance,
At this point, a smell of one of my childhood memories, 
filled my nose, with a sweet smell,
A country scented,... 
like fresh melon, 
A spring freshness,
As only my flesh, could proclaim. 
The smell was breath taking, and sweet.
A smell sweeter then a honey bee' nectar, would taste.
The smell swerved around everyone's nose, 
It had a look of smoke, i could see it.
The smell filled the nose's of everybody in the room
as, if a living being in, and of itself.

Then it happened! 
It happened!
my mouth stood widely open! 
my eye refuse to blink!
O, Can it be?
O, Can it be?
Can this Be Him?
NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! 
i said it until each one of my no's,
turned into a small soft whispers.
It was unbelievable to me that i could be here!

Lightening begin to bolt, and crackle, loudly!
The Sun began to burn real flames of firer!
Fume of a thin smoke covering each person in the Room
As all the bodies around disappeared into it. 
They must have become one with it, as it consumed them... 
because, i could only see their image, 
poking through it in details with depth.

A still voice, soft, and tender, spoke clearly,
what, i never expected to understand.
i did understand!
i did understand!
i did! i did!
i did understand it!

It was him Coming!
His Son in His arms lifted from the floor
God was carrying His only Son. 
Walking into His own presence with floods 
of tears falling, effusively, from his eyes.
His eyes, i can not relate anything familiar to,... 
but i only understand them to be His eyes,  
inevitably so, not like human eyes.

my heart dropped to my feet!
my feet slips out from under me!
Urine poured out of control, out of me!
i fell flat, with my face down to the floor,...
as my legs no longer could hold me up.
It felt as if i was about to explode, into infinity...
as God drew near to me.
Tears still falling from his eyes.
The room filled with floods of rivers, and
rivers of water from His tear, crying from his face.
i spoke secretly to the water,...
that covering my whole face and body
in a small whispering voice.

What must I do?
The water said back to me:
The Deity of our,... 
Divine One
Omnipotent One 
Supreme Glory One 
the Holy of Holy 
the Essence of everything Big, and Small, 
He wants you to hold out your hands.
i sobbed uncontrollably, 
saying, why me?
What am i? 
Who am i that i should reach my earthy vessel,.. 
filthy and disgusting!
i am nothing, but dust!
i am a spake that firer sucks in with one dance

The water said, 
He wants you to take His Son into your Arms.
i said, with tears, bigger then my eyes had ever known,....
NO! NO! NO! NO! 
i can not do this! 
Surely i will die!
i am not worthy in this body, to even look upon Him.
The water said, you don't choose, He does!

i reached my hands forward with great tumbling,...
like a volcano eruption.
i move my hands toward the Deity, of the Divine One.
God placed His Son in my arms.... :T: :T:
Then my bowls rolled internally, 
like a nuclear explosion!
my mind and body working hard together, 
daring anything to come out of me,
is now released inside me.
In great distress i looked upon His face, and saw that 
He was bused, the way the people left Him...
He was bloody, the way the people left Him!
He had the vines still stuck inside of his head, 
the way the people left Him
His side had a hole in it, that exposed His very organs, 
the way the people left him
His hands and feet had a transparent hole...
that you could see all the way through other side.

i felt Our God's pain, 
The Father of a Son, of Himself
FATHER, IT HURTS i spoke sobbingly......
Jesus looks up at me,... 
reaching His bused hands to my face, 
and catches all my tears.
Then  He begins to drink them.
He whispers to me, so close that ...
i could feel His breath tickled my ears.
With a painstaking sound to His voice, He Said, 
””I am thirsty my child!””
you have fulfill me with your tears.

At that moment a 
“”blood mixed tear”” fail from His eyes
when He said to me, don't worry! 
my Father trust your heart with me.
If he gave Me to you,.... 
separated me from Himself in the safety of His  Arms
to have and to hold, then you are now Mine.
Now I behold you to me.
At that very moment, i had no breath of my own
Just then, the air left my body! 
Jesus, my Lord, got up from me, before i could fall, 
and crabbed me in a reprieve from the flood
that could have drowned me, 
as it filled unlimited spaces around us. 
my eyes returned me to my sight, 
i looked up at him with gratitude, 
with a pleading mercy from my eyes, to His,...
When suddenly we exchanged positions.

Now it was i, in the arms of Jesus.
He was holding me, and i begin to drink of His tears
like a mother breast feeding her baby, Jesus filled my thirst.
i looked into His eyes, we both met with our eyes and became one. 
Gazing, close with desperation, i said in a small whisper, 
<3 Jesus, You fulfill me with your tears <3
Written by: Rosetta Nesbitt
On: May 25th 2012

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