Monday, December 26, 2011

Label, Is what life labels us

When I read “Violence in Intimate Relationships: a Feminist Perspective” by Bell Hooks, I agreed whole heartedly with my perspectives. Whenever someone is labeled base on a situation that person is branded with the stench of that situation for life, and it’s hard to shake off the residue of it.  Women are the most labeled creatures I know. If a violent act happens to a man no one goes around calling him the name of that situation, it’s usually separated from the gender side of things.  One thing I like that I really agree with that Ms. Hooks said, I will quote  “We females often think we are not entitled to ourselves, and many times give ourselves away for less than a song. The sad truth of the matter is that this is how we have managed to survive in our male-dominated culture.”  After reading this piece, I would ask myself a question. Why wouldn’t I risk everything to claim everything that is at stake for me to completely have myself to myself as a whole?  Men don’t always feel the need to explain themselves after they’ve given a response to most situations. There is no conscious need to have the approval of women in relationships. It’s like they make the women grovel at there feet to tenderly love them. It like a woman’s need to be affectionate is needed by her more than by men.  This isn’t true, because women are the caregivers and in life, whenever, you give to someone else it’s often time, because you have it to give in the first place.  I ask myself this other question. If I could override the label that follows me, if it precedes me in my reputation, how would I change it, if I could? I would say, I would invest into the real estate into my life, move into the surrounding comforts of this world, and invested fully my own self-esteem, and confidence, so that I could be my person ‘self-real-estate’ is metaphor for not letting a people brand me. This story really made me think more about labeling. Calling someone out of their name such as ‘violence against a person to label them to it as it relates to women, and violence, is cruel, and an injustice to those women who initially become victims.  This is not right? No. I think not.

The Swing

A lady walks by a park, 
A place where she grew up.
The park is old, empty, and gray.
Just when she looks over at the sliding board
Her mind goes off into her past.

Memorizing herself there....
playing with lots of girls and boys 
Running, and laughing to the chase.
She sneaks a giggle out loud unaware
She imagine seeing her little girl self there.

Seeing how happy she once was....
Was now a place filled with empty moments in time,
she began to relive memories of childhood 
While, not caring to see if anyone's around.

Looking over at the swing
She thought to see....
if the little boy who always beat her to the swing was there, 
Just before she took one step, looking everywhere...
She saw that he was no where to be found, she goes for the swing.

Closer and closer she gets to the swing...
A big smile on her face
then out of the blue, that little boy shows up too.
He jumped in to that last swing she thought to retrieve 
Hanging out his tongue at hers, Laughing 

Nan man nanny boo boo ...I got you!
I got here first, He said
Nam nanny boo boo!  

She squeezed her eyes tightly
to make the boy disappear.  
Because that little boy who always 
raced her to that last swing, and won again!
Hey!  ....she said...out of nowhere...
That's my swing, I saw it first.

She pauses! thought!
Hum mm
Hum mm
Wait one minute! 
This is my memory ... Not anyone else!

Closing her eyes tightly, tighter 
She said, 
I wish I may, 
I wish I may 
I wish I may have all these swings today.

She opens up her eyes... and all the swings
...where now empty
Not one child ...could be found for mile in the park .
She looks staring all around.

Yay! Yah! I did it!
Walking not running ... 
A big smirk on her face smiling ...with a big huge smile!
Sitting slowly on one swing,
She touches  it with her hands tenderly, as if it were soft.
She began counting...
one swing, two swing,  
three swing, four swing all for me.

Pumping and pumping
Higher and higher
Laughing and laughing out loud
Fun fun fun fun 

she thought, and closed her eyes to scream out...
Yelling higher! 
Higher, yells the little girl! 
Pumping and pumping..Much harder each time
higher, and higher, much higher she goes!
Swinging high in mid air

The little girl opens her eyes,  
when ....her lady self reappeared!
Shame appeared, too.
Because she caught herself 
swing on a swing dangling there.

She was reliving her childhood happiness!
So she began to smiles, 
smiling she goes, wow, this is fun... 
who cares if I'm not a child, cause I am having fun.

A man walks by looking up at the swinging lady
He said,
My you sure are swinging high!
She never heard him....
her eyes fix on the sky!

She was living her inner child! 
A big Breeze flowing through her long hair 
Thank you, she thought, to the little girl inside
You made my day, like a pie in the sky!

Swinging high 
Never noticing the man ...said goodbye
She'll never know he was the little boy,
who took the last swing, when she was a  child!
The man had come to the park ...
for one last look inside the memory of his inner child.

Rosetta Nesbitt


Artist: Rosetta Nesbitt
                                                             NOVEMBER 13TH 2002©

One day I awoke to find myself all alone in the world. I was thinking in my mind how it would be to shop until I drop. Grooming myself for the start of my day, I begin to think about all of the free food left in the world I could chose from and eat. Steaks, wines, even my favorite caviar I could eat as much as I want and never have to pay for it.  While combing my hair, I thought of all the perms, and hair colors I could chose from I want. Oh! Wow! This is going to be a sweet revenge on all the girls who hated on me in school. While thinking about all that I could do being by myself.  It reminded me of a girl I once knew who always hated on me. That Liz Ponchos girl! She tried to beat me up all the time!  The name was Liz Ponchos.  Liz hated me!  Just one thought of her name I get happy feelings of sweet revenge. I can see it now, jealousy bleeding through her eyes when she find out I had total assess to everything in the whole world. I smiled at this thought this prospect. As I continued to get dress, I decided to hit the clothing stores first. This will help me to work up a good appetite with all the food choices available to me. Little old me can have anything I want and nobody can interfere with me. I did just that, shopping! I hit the Hecht’s department store first as was one of my dreams stores to shop at. I swear! I saw Liz outside that window looking at me in this store.  Ho! I am just wishing! I thought in my mind could this can’t be true that Liz is here? Laughing I thought that I was being foolish. I am the only soul left in the whole world, it can’t be true. I moved on with no more thoughts about it till the next store. Penny’s was next! Yes! Sitting in the window were all kinds of shoes and bags. I went in look quickly behind me and again I thought I saw a reflection of Liz looking back at me. I could have sworn that I could see Liz’s reflection looking back at me. Oh girl! Go on! You know nobody else is here but you! I thought! The thought passed on again. I moved on in for the kill on the shoes. Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! Oh Yeah! I found one shoe that I like and got one in every color.
Now! Now! Now! Now! Now Girl!  It’s time for me to get my grub on. Finally food! I sat down at the table taking off my coat, and stretched my arms and legs wide while I yawned. I was tired from all that shopping and carrying bags. I picked up the menu to see what I wanted to eat. Sitting their like someone was suppose to come and take my order! Ho!  I forgot! Low and behold to me there was one thing I had for got about, when I sat down at the table to eat. Nobody was here but me! There was no one here to cook me some food. Thinking I can’t cook! Oh My I am going to starve if I don’t get something to eat. Looking out into the air, I thought I saw Liz again.  I said what? ‘What the hell!’ I decided I am going to check this out. This vision is happening too much. I moved from my table quickly.  I ran to the spot where I saw her at Last. She had disappeared again then reappeared again. Okay! What the hell in going on here? Who are you? Liz is that you?  I saw her again! I yelled! Liz, is that you?  Are you really here? Yes! The voice yelled back to her! Liz was frightened. I was following you all day.
I was watching you live high off the horse with things you have available to you.  Did you ever stop to think that you are the only soul left in this world? No one else is in the whole face of the earth but you? And You only! All you thought about was yourself. I’m gonna be honest with you. I am not really Liz!  What the? I just look like her because you sort after her face in your mind for desperate for revenge.  I am GOD! And I put some people through to see what they are really made of.  I want them to see what is really in them!  What’s really in them? What kind of God tricks an innocent little girl yelled Liz!
All along, you never did wish to see or touch your family, or friends.  All along, you never thought about anyone but you supposed to love the?  All you thought about was yourself and material things Instead. You failed my life’s exam.  You are now going to be forever alone for this is your chosen fate.  Rats! Yelled Liz! She said: can I get another chance Lord. I’m sorry! I promise! I promise I will start thinking about others more. I promise!  She looked into the eyes of the Lord who is not easily fooled and she asked: You mean Liz will never get to see me ware my new dresses, and shoes. GOD said, Wow! Did that girl really hear what I just told her? Ungracious are you. Your new name will be Food for thought! Your name will go down with you in your eternal life of Hell. This is it, I wash my hands. Devil, open up your mouth, because here goes food for thought at your pleasure! The Devil even said to the Lord.  No Thanks! I don’t have room for the likes of her! You sure you can’t do something with that girl Lord! He Said Well!

“Whose Body Is It, Anyway?

  In any situation where a rape has accrued, it needs to be told. To be silence is good which is what most women have been taught to believe. You are the good little girl if you would just be quiet when someone violates your body, and everyone will love you for it.  Isolation in violent situations precedes more violence and eventually death.  I think that younger girls are ignorant to their surrounding, and they ignore the potential for death associated with this kind of violence. Older women who act out sexually, to gain attention are usually not really highly sexual beans, but they use sex to gain security in food, shelter, cars, jewelry,  and the “big-one” unconditional LOVE, which they almost never really get out of the deal. 

Selling out your self-respect, for a false since of confidence, and hope is not going to come to you through promiscuity, but death will. The potential for sexual violence crimes are high off the chart, for kids in school, because of the roaring hormones that are out of control without out proper teaching on how to control themselves, they just holds out the welcome mate.  I personally had a bad intimate experience in my school, and other ones of my friends had also. It all starts from just an innocence of a teen bullying other students, and eventually domination comes through the confidence of power over the person that the violence was directed to. 
Things aren’t always as innocent as they appear.  In play is where most violence introduces itself, and it really starts there. Innocent play can eventually becomes a violence act to over power in all.  Teaching kids how to respect others kids, should be their first lesson in life, but to, exceed teaching them about sex. 
Girls are not a piece of meat to be cut into pieces, and distributed out to every man that smells satisfaction coming.  I think, secrets that harm you are not secrets at all! Its best if we told someone that can help us find a way to acknowledge the wrong that was done to us.  This is your right, as a female, not to be caved into hibernation for the rest of your life because of your gender, or hunted by a predator where you are only let out when you need to eat or bath. To survive in life, and have your pleasure is a personal thing, and no one else’s needs, there should supersede your own.   
Rosetta Nesbitt

The Story Of the Geese

Once upon a time there was a little girl who lived outdoors with her mother, father, and little brother.  Everyday they wondered what they would eat.  It was very cold at night, and very hot in the day time. The family was without a home. They had no money to buy food, or clothing. There was a family of geese always around them in the park. One night the little girl said to her mother, Mommy does people pass by us, and see us living outdoors care. The little girl asked, why they won’t do something to help us mommy. The mother looked down at her little daughter and said, honey, do you see those families of geese over there, you see how they stay together, and walk in groups everywhere they go. Those geese are more human then humans themselves, they have more passion then some people when it comes to people caring whether we sleep or eat everyday. Honey you see, one day your father and I had a home. We brought you and your brother into the world when we had a beautiful big three story house with three and a half bathrooms. There was a big back yard with a pool and a swing. Oh how we use to have so much fun entertaining and having cookouts with our friends. You had your own room and your brother too. Your father and I use to sing you to sleep and you always needed the light on. Why mom, was I afraid of the dark. Well yes, kind of honey. Now, you sleep in the heart of the darkness without protection don’t you sweetie. Well that doesn't mean that your father and I won’t keep you safe, it just means that your fear of the dark has swallowed us all up into it. The good thing about you being in the darkness now is we are all swallowed into it together. We even got an adopted family of geese that stay around us all the time helping to protest us.  We use to have two cars and a refrigerator full of food. We even had all the ice cream you could ever want. Then one day your father lost his job, because they were losing money at the factory paying their employees. They let some of the workers go, and your father was one of the first to let go. Why mommy, didn't they know that daddy had two children that he had to provide for, the little girl said? Mommy don’t the president know that we live outside? I don’t know, sweet heart her mother said, I don’t know what is happening to us as a people, but I don’t think that we are big enough for the president to know about where we are living. But moms, if the president knew that there were two children living on the street wouldn't he order his policeman to help us? Well sweetie, I would assume so, but in the real world we must try to fend for ourselves in order to survive this.  Like the geese they don’t have a house either, or food stored up inside of a refrigerator, but God provides for them everyday. You know sweetheart the thing I think that helps those geese survive everyday is the fact that they stay together and get good exercise everyday, because they walk in group showing protection, support, and loyalty to one another. The little girl laid her head on the lap of her mother as they set on the park bench, and her mother begin to sing to her as she drifted off to sleep. The Little girl was sound a sleep, her mother looked down at her daughter with tears in her eyes and looked back up at the family of geese in the distance and said, someday the geese family will see that we need help and let us join their family group walks. Then the mother went to sleep herself while the father watched as his family slept. The little girl’s father wanted to keep his family safe, so he stayed awake. Time past and the father fell asleep unknowingly, but little did the family know the geese family would not leave their side they watch over them like they were part of their own geese family. The morning came and the little girl was the first to awake, she looked around with an intense look of alertness on her face to see if her family was okay after they slept all night.  She looked around with a sigh of relief knowing that everyone was safe. Then a miracle happened right before her eyes. One of the geese that she and her mother had seen the night before was giving birth to a baby geese right in front of her.  The little girl’s eyes got so big that she forgot that she hadn't eaten breakfast and was hungry when she had awakened earlier. She froze and marveled at the fact that she was watching geese give birth, and that she was witnessing it. Seeing the geese give birth showed her a picture inside her own head of her mother and father closely hovering around her being born in the hospital. She felt feeling of warmth and safety being with both her parents, they protected her.  She thought inside her head that the baby geese must be feeling this warmth that she had felt in the vision of her parents giving birth to her. I think the geese and the little girl forgot that they were both homeless at this point of my story. Just then the Mother awakens to see the birth as it unfolded. She said to her little daughter, Shy, Shy, keep quite, don’t move or make noise, or we will scare her and she might hurt the baby if she’s afraid and gets up and run away. The little girl never heard a word her mother said she was in such arc of the sight of the birth taken place. The mother knew that her daughter didn't hear her because she never looked back at her. The mother whispered honey did you hear me. There was no answer. The mother took a closer look at the little girl and saw that there were tears running down her daughters face. The mother was so touched by seeing her little girls crying that she begin to cry. While all this was taken place the groups of other geese family was all around the mother giving birth. They surrounded her to protect her and her baby from any potential danger. While the little girl and her mother was watching and crying they so caught up in the moment of the birth that they never noticed that the father and the littler brother was also crying and staring at this little miracle taking  place in front of them, too . Everyone was so in tuned to what was happening that they never notice the growled of people that was building up around them. This was such an emotion moment that one of the bystanders in the growled notified Channel Five, Seven and Nine News within minutes. The whole event was being filmed as it unfolded before them. Watching this miracle was one of the bountifulness’ of the sight.  Any one could see how nature worked well together with it’s habitats in any surrounding with the whole homeless family standing around the geese crying at the sight of the beauty of nature. That evening the geese was up and waking around. The homeless family watch as everyone walked away even the geese walked away with the whole pack of them together around the new mother and her baby for protection. All was quiet now, and the little girl asked her mother, mom what you think will happen to the geese now that they have a new baby. The little girl’s mother said, they will be a bigger family now. The geese will stay with each other until they grow apart and give birth to enough geese to start another group of geese that form a walking pack. In the mean time the whole pack of geese will continue to stay together in a pack walking as a group everywhere they go. Honey, did you know that the humans even honor the geese when they walk across the street in packs. The cars stop for them to pass. That’s a lot of power when numbers come together and protest their point this earn them respect.  If we could get other humans to care enough by walking together in large numbers someone will listen and this is a way to change our human situations, sweetheart. People like us and those who care must form groups to show their strength in numbers, and walking in a peaceful protect wouldn’t hurt our cause either.  Later that night little did the family know that the growled of people were concerned for them when the news showed the world a replay of their family all standing around the geese given birth, and their family all crying on the news. People called the news stations after seeing their family wanting to know where they could give a donation.  People wanted to help after such a moving sight took place with the homeless family and the geese. Everyone wanted to help this family get a home to live in.   Everyone around world that night watched but they family had no idea of what everyone had seen.  A police man came to the park and ask the family where they living in the park. They were afraid that the officer was going to make them leave, wondering where they would go then. This park was their home and safe place. Even the geese watch over them as there own. The officer said Maim, Sir I am going to have to take you and your family to the station. The officer said, now I don’t want no trouble just come along peacefully. So the family went with the officer to the station. When they got to the station they were told that someone paid for them to stay in a hotel for the night, and they would get up to a big breakfast before they meet with the person who donated the hotel to them. The family mumble among themselves in wonder as to who, what, was happening, and why. They decided not to worry and look a gift horse in the mouth, but just to take the gift and enjoyed it because they didn't know how long it was going to last.  The next day they family got out of bed late in the morning very hungry and well rested. They went to the hotel restaurant where there was a big breakfast spread out just for them. The little girl and her brother said, the same time, this is all ours Mom, Dad, and the parents said, I guess so, lets eat, don’t ask question, lets eat. They ate until their stomachs were full and bloated. The family enjoyed their meal.  An escort came and told them that they will be going shopping for some clothes and shoes; because someone very important wants to meet with them later in the day. The family was so excited that they just giggle and whispered among one another.  When they got back to the hotel from shopping the family was instructed to go take a bath and put on their new clothes. They didn't quite no what was going on, and they were also puzzled as to what changes were they in for after today.  The little girl thought to herself, all this because a baby geese was born. Little did the little girl know that the geese family got together and planed to make the people help them by walking in big number as geese family group. They knew that they would be seen because of the way the cars respected them when they walked across the street together. The geese were determined to get help for the family, but they never knew it was all planned this way by their geese friends. The baby being born in front of all the people was a trap to get the attention to the homeless family to help them and it worked.  Well another escort came to the room to get the family and bring them to a ball room in that same hotel. When they walked through the hotel hallway to get to the ballroom there were wall to wall people clapping and yelling yah! Yah! The family was more puzzled now then ever. When they got to the ballroom there were more people, thousands of them. Just when they were escorted into the room the president stepped up to the family and said, I would like to shake your hands Maim, Sir, and your little ones here. I saw your story on the television, and there were so many people pouring out money to help you, and you family.  I was so moved to do something myself that I sent for your family, because I wanted to be the first one to do something about your situation. I had you put up in the hotel for the night with all the food you could ever eat available to your family. The father was crying so hard the one of the secret service men begin to hold him as he was overcome with emotions. The president said, when I saw that you were homeless, watching your whole family crying on television as the geese gave birth, while the other geese stood around your and the birth like armed guards, it was a picture unforgettable. It was an overwhelming moment for the world to see that when their fellow citizens are in need, or troubled we can all pull together like the geese, support one another.  The little girl looked up at her mother with tears in her eyes and said, see mom I told you that the president cares about people who are homeless with little kids, see I told you the little girl said. The Mother looked at her husband and asked, do you think the geese walk did lead to all this on purpose for us. The husband said It’s possible honey, it’s possible, because it them that got us all this attention, so maybe so they could have walked us into our miracle. Salvation has come to us room our fellow human being who really cares and wanted to make a different where they could. The little girls said, Mom, dad, I believe in the geese. I believe in the human compassion, but after today, I also believe in our president. The miracle that took place today by our fellow human beings brought a feeling of sympathy and safety to us. We all made a difference by pulling together in numbers and now we have a home again.  The little girl sensed that the geese were around them near by the hotel. She ran to find a window to see if she was right. When she couldn't find a window the little girl ran out the hotels big double motor doors. Behold, there were about a hundred geese surrounding the hotel, marching in numbers around the hotel in support of their fellow friends from the park. The little girl waved at the geese and yelled fair well my fellow geese family, fair well and a tear fail from her left eye watching the geese all walk away in large numbers.

The end

Wednesday, December 21, 2011



When we decide to do something, it has consequences attached to it. We should think and visualize the long term effects our decisions because they will have lasting effects. These consequences happens to any one making any kind of decisions good, or bad. Lasting effects are the one thing that come back too us, because we reap out of life what we sow into our life from an original decisions!

I was thinking about how far would I go back in my life if I started thinking before I act.  The long term effect of things that comes back on us is because we react before thinking in most cases. If I did not make the right decision about who I got with in marriage  my children would have been different. May life would have less sufferings, or maybe not enough. My marriage might be intact today and my heart would never had been broken.  All the things we do, will come back to us, so many different ways, that it could have a cause, and effect on the sufferings of others, but mostly ourselves.

 Regret is not even on the table hear! The fact is that, I am making myself aware of the long term effect in the future of my decisions, because it will benefit everyone in the long run that I come in contact with!  My self-esteem is not very good, because of childhood abuse, But I am determined that My future will be more at ease, from this day forward.  It’s my life to live, my life that dies, and no one can take my place, when God calls me home, whether, it’s my coming in, or my going out, you can’t go with me in an unconscious state.  From this day forward no one will have the power to ruin a happy future with God’s help.  It will start with me, taking better care of me, and you will have to start with you to take better care of you!

We have to live what we talk about, and talk only about what we have lived. There can be no substitution for this type of reasoning. We think being married, having kids, or even being born, we can escape the troublesome part of the good that  follows fate, but not so. Good almost always has to be tried with some type of bad to validate, it validity to be good. Why, because if it is truly good, it must be tried in the fire of its own claimed. Bad will always come up against good, when it tried to rear it’s ugly head in a shared space with good. Example our children may be pretty, innocent and sweet at birth, but they grow up with a mouth that grows always superseded their body size, and it never quits, it gets worst.  Decisions need valid responsibility, or it will cease to be taken seriously.  I say we should always require true test of good or bad before we commit to it . This just means, if you marry, see both sides of the one your choose to spend your life with, push them to a safe brim, and them make your choice. People can hid behind infatuation for years and years, and years, hoping that you will become satisfied with what you see, when reality is they change when you disconnect then and only then will this part of the good be bad enough to tell the truth about your decision.



Beretta was a young lady vibrant and full of knowledge. Every where that Beretta went she was picking up a book.  Beretta has read every book out, about women, fiction, non-fiction, history, love stories of all kind, including biographies.  Beretta’s motto, is that every book has spirits, and she has connected to them through each book she has read.  She has encountered from many book she has read,that they can have up to one hundred different spirits.  Beretta had good insight on the most powerful dominated spirits inside every book she had read. She learned how not to allow herself to become overpowered by them. There was a man who wanted to share the living words, through, his books with Beretta. One morning Beretta was in the kitchen, cooking bacon, eggs, and toast, singing, humming her favorite tunes.  Early that morning the birds were singing, filling the air with joy and happiness for Beretta. The fresh air was crisp and breezy this particular day. It was a good day to be alive.  Beretta gets a knock on her door. She hesitated, thinking who could be at her door, so early in the morning. Knock, knock! Beretta goes to the door and opens it. She asked the person standing in front of her: what can I do for you sir. 
The man looks up at Beretta and said.  Miss! I just wondered would you would like one of these books, I am distributing around in your neighborhood this morning. I am sharing them with all your neighbors to earn money for a good cause. Beretta looked at the man in curiosity and wonder.  She was wondering how he could have known that she loves books.  Beretta saw this as a chance to challenge the spirits in the new book. Why not! She thought! Beretta said to the man, what is the book about?  She was very curiously interested in knowing what the book was about? The man shows Beretta the book, and Beretta said to the man, I heard about this book; Although, I never wanted the challenge to read it: I heard that the spirits in this book possess the reader out of their mind.  I heard that there are, too, many different kinds of spirits in that book!  Some of them are good, some very bad, and scary for any one to play around with, when reading it. Beretta said to the man! I have read many books, but the spirits in this book are stronger then any other book I have read.  I have never read it, but I did hear much about it from my friends after they read it. The books that I have read are nothing in comparison to this book, compared to what I hear about this one. Why now? Why come to me, as appose to me choosing it for myself? The young man begin to tell Beretta that there are many books in that one book, that you know not of until you read it.  Each of the separate books in this one book carries its own spirits. He said, to Beretta all the spirits in this one book are mightily and controlled by one Great Spirit throughout the whole book. Each of the spirits in this book can really challenge you to search yourself. It really transformed my life, when the father of spirits in the book and I connected to one another.
Beretta looks at the man in desperation to know what the big mystery, is bout with the spirits in his book. In full curiosity she said, maybe I will try the challenge of reading your book, and read it.  I will read your book so that I may know this spirits in it? The man looks at Beretta and said yes miss! You can have this book free; Meanwhile, I want to advise you not to be afraid of the Great Spirit. Just go with it! Let the Great Spirit be your protector, guide, and comforter, as you move through the Father of spirits in this book. Good, or bad, the Great Spirit has earned the rights to power over all the others spirit, and has the power to see you though the end of the book. I carry many books similar to this one.  I have so many of them that, I can give you a copy free.  Here Beretta, take one!  I sale these books to make a living, to take care of my father and myself.  He trust me to come back with a harvest of sales, and I am not going to disappoint Him. You have been so kind letting me into your house, and sharing your food and coffee with me. You may take this book as a gift from my beloved Father. Beretta takes the book excitingly. Her juices are overflowing with interest. Beretta loves to read. The man leaves.  Beretta runs up to her room. She lights a candle and snuggles up with the book across her bed. The room is Semi-dark like warm and cozy.  It’s just Beretta and her book all snuggled up together for the night. She begins to read Genesis, chapter one, where her first encounter made a great impact on her, already. It was there in Genies that she met the ‘Great One’’ but did not recognized His advantage over her from the onset of her reading before she even gets to the others books.  She was unfamiliar with any of the spirits in the book, as of yet, enough to be able to know which is the most influential great one.
Beretta is very smart, and you cannot get much by her. Feeling enlightened and nonthreatening to read on, Beretta started questioning the position of the one she felt had the biggest influence in the beginning of the book as she felt something, but it was unfamiliar to her. This is why the ‘Great One’ has the strongest power, with an disadvantage over all other in the book, because he created everybody in here, she said.  Beretta said to herself. I cannot wait to see where he will go from here. What he is He going to do next? When is He going to try to tackle with me?  She was very excited at this point in her reading, not wanting to fall asleep before she could finish reading at least half the book.
As Beretta reads on, she begin moving through to Exodus, Numbers Deuteronomy, I Samuel, II Samuel, Judges, Kings Ecclesiastics, Daniel, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Songs of Solomon, Isaiah. The life of the book is now beginning to consume Beretta’s mind, and her heart without her even knowing, which spirit it is that is making her feel it’s presents that strongly.  One of the spirits in the book was starting to move, too, close to her for comfort, making her feel threatened.   She felt uncomfortable about what was happening to her as she reads. Beretta has never been this consumed like, whenever, she read other books.  One thing is for sure, Beretta was not going to let any spirits in against her will. She felt that because she read a lot and had meet so many other spirits bad, or good that she was primed to fight against any consuming one of the spirits she doesn’t know.  She was going to fight to win the battle over the books of spirits, trying hard to draw her into them. The spirit was bent on possessing her with its power with normally use of words. Beretta was in control of the spirit’s power over her. This time, she was not so sure if she should let it in.
Beretta said to herself: The man selling these books was right! There are so many spirits in this book. So much more spirits then any other book, I have ever read before. Beretta thought to herself: I still haven’t moved through half this book, yet I am overcome by one spirit more then any other, so far. The Man that gave this book to me, called it the ‘Great Spirit.’ Beretta asked herself? How must I judge this spirits. It is very special! Beretta feels frightened as she reads on. Where are the spirits coming from? there are so many! How can I make any sense out of this? Beretta began to move on to the New Testament as she begins to read Matthew, Mark, Luke, Act, Romans, John. She begins to feel a new spirit, of acceptance. Beretta feels an uncontrolled love toward the ‘Great One’ after reading in the New Testament now.  She now knows Great one.  She met Him early on, but wasn't aware. Previous books she has read, by far got her more vulnerable, at this moment then this ever has.  Beretta begins to feel a sense of peace and comfort, joy, love, and harmony throughout her body.  She had never felt anything like this before.  Beretta doesn’t know the spirit in this book, is the spirit of the living God.  She was seduced by him unaware of its power over her beginning with the man at her door. She under estimated Him.  He slowly moved close to her so that she can feel his presents all around her. You see, Beretta, never met the Lord before. Now Beretta is having her first experience with the Lord, God Almighty.  It is an uneasy welcome connection that she won’t soon forget. Let’s move on to see what Beretta does about this spirit that consumes her next.
Beretta is so puzzled by the spirit that she begins to speak directly to it, as if she was okay with its presents.  Beretta said: Sir, Miss, Mam, my name is Beretta! Beretta could not believe that one spirit could have this kind of power over her, that she would find herself talking to it out loud. It is the strongest spirit through out the entire book. Curiosity consumes Beretta to the point that she wants more of it inside her. She wonders what gives the Great One, so much of her own power outside the book, as well as inside the book. Beretta said I don’t know you, you don’t know me, but I have read many books before and I think I love you. All the other books possessing spirits could have never taken me like you have!  Beretta hesitated to speak to the dominating spirits. Beretta, said to the spirit, you are the true one! So now things have come to a point, that I am lovingly fearful of you; however, I am not afraid of you. Beretta begins to read more and more!
The spirit begins to consume her more and she understands what power it has.  Beretta wants more of him: who ever he/or she is. Beretta said; please give me more of your spirit!  I think that I am falling for you!  You, Oh Great One, have won my heart with love. I want to be closer to you, if you don’t mind.  Help me get closer, and closer to you! Oh, Great Spirit dominating this book.  Beretta reads more hoping to find herself face to face with Spirit in the book that makes her feel tender at heart for what happened to the great spirit's life. She moves on and on through, to Corinthians, II Corinthians, Ephesians, Galatians, Philippians,  I Peter, II Peter, I Timothy, II Timothy, Hebrews, James, I John, II John, Third John, Revelations.  It’s now day break. Beretta has been reading all night. She feels something crawling on her face.  She reaches to her face to grab the thing and it was tears. When Beretta reaches the end of the book, she says to the spirit, that has made its way inside her heart.  I have spoken to many spirits in many books that I have read, but your spirit has the most power over me. Your spirit has joined with mine, and we have now become one together. What’s up with that! Why me?  Will thou please abide in me for the duration of my life and help me to find the answers, I seek truly?  I have never felt such comfort, as I do with thee.
I am starting to smell your fragrance of sweet perfume. I feel the strokes of you tender touch.  I hear the comforting words from your voice.  I would love to read more about you, specifically now, and get to know you better. Yes! Oh Great Spirit of this book, I  Beretta, want to know you better!  Do you want to get closer to me, too? You want to know me? How much do you know of me already?  Do you know me well?  Abide in me, so I can abide in you.  I am asking! Me Beretta! This is something I don’t do often. We should be together forever more. In the height of Beretta’s intense revelation and communication with the spirit of the ‘Great One’, she goes into a Trans of sleep, when a knock on the door comes.  Knock, knock, Knock!  Oh my God!  Beretta is startled. Her hearts begins to pound fast, and faster. She thought it could that be the ‘Great One’ answering her prayer. Beretta said, Great Spirit do not fell me now!  Beretta looks out her window in the hopes of sneaking a peek at the Great Spirit. It turns out to be the man, who gave her the book at her door.  Beretta said: Oh no! He has come back to take away your spirit from me! He‘s gonna want his book back. Beretta’s heart begins to beat so fast, and hard that she wanted to just die at the thought of this man taking her book away. She had just had the most joyful, and horrific experience with the dominate spirit! The Great One! She now calls the Great One of ‘love.’ Beretta goes closer to the door. The knock gets louder.  She says, Hello? Who is it? The man said it is I Can you step outside your house so that we can speak words to one another?  Beretta thinking the man would take away the best thing ever happened to her.  Please leave sir! I don’t want anything you are selling!  With Beretta’s back to the door, she begins whispering to the great spirit of love. Please she whispers! Pleas take him away from me! 
The man sat on Beretta’s porch to wait for her response. She yelled, Sirs! Who are you really? Why do you bother me so? The man said I am the true one of whom you seek. I heard you whispering to me a moment ago.  Fear grips at Beretta’s heart! The man continued speaking, saying: I am the one you seek. I am the Great Spirit inside the book, you have just  communed with.  I heard your cries, and it attended unto my ears.  I ran to you to be by your side. I felt your heart loaning to be loved by me. You have received a true transformation of mind, and it is genuinely given by me to you, as you read I transformed you unto myself.  All my children, are drawn to me this way. By way of love will they seek me. Through the words in the book of spirits the lost shall find me? I am going to be honest with you, Beretta. I can tell you about yourself. The man looks at Beretta through the glass in the door, and said to her. Miss, your name is Beretta Willamina. You are thirty-six years old.  You are not married, and you live alone. Many times at night you felt very lonely, so you read to entertain yourself. Beretta's said to the man: Sir, you know about me, now tell me about you. The man said, I was with you, romancing you when you were lying across your bed. I saw the candles you laid out, while reading the book of spirits, i willed you to set the mood of my welcome. The book you read had consuming spirits that consumed you, but the end was when you felt my love. Didn’t you? I had to hold back to allow you to finish reading. Beretta said, yes it did! The man begins to tell Beretta about another book ,she was driven to read. The was a story that I want to share with you.
  There was a little boy, who grows up suffering, because of a bad relationship with his parents.  Life was mostly filled with pain for him.  One day he awakened, saying that he will be the best boy he can be, for his Parents from now on, because he was tire of hurting. When you read this book, it was the begging of your journey that leading you to me.  I wanted you to become familiar with the spirits in all the books you read. I have blessed you to discern the spirits in every book. The stories about the little boy begin inspiring you, so that you wanted to know the spirit of every book you could read, and read more, and more books.  You begin picking up the spirit of compassion, and love from the first book you read of the little boy’s story. I gave you the knowledge to know the spirit. You tried the spirit to know the spirit and became one with them. These readings gave you insight to know the difference between good, and evil, so you could be protected from harmful spirit when they come around you.  I promised you that I will not have you ignorant of Satan’s devices my daughter.  I vale that if you seek me, you would find me.  Through it all, I taught you to learn to trust me, through each book you've read, until you read my book. I wanted to know you better, too my daughter. Now that we are united as one, I must reveal a truth to you about myself.
This I say to you, that the man that gave you the book was one of my angels sent here to seek you out on purpose. I knew you before you ever learned of me. May I introduce myself?  My name is Jesus Christ.  I am the Son of God.  I was sent by my Father to save the world, and spread the gospel, to justify your sins unto my Father, so that the world may be saved.  I am Jesus, Beretta, you are now meeting me face to face The Great Spirit you connected to in the great book was me. In one of your books, you have read a story about the little boy.  In the story the boy was the opposite, of what he should have been, considering the damage that was done to him. While you were reading about him, you were overcome by a spirit that you did not know.  Beretta said. yes sir, I did!  Beretta’s eyes were wide open.  Her ears were listening intensively to Jesus. Beretta asked: Were you really the one, who had power over me in the book of spirits? You are truly the one that caused me to become vulnerable to the book of spirits, Lord?  I saw your mercy coming at me as I read the book.  I surrendered to you when I read in the book, but I was not sure what it was that had a hold on me, and consuming me that way.
Beretta the day has not yet ended for you.  I come to you, with time still for your life to be given to me.  The man said to Beretta: I a who I am! That I am!  If you will stay in this book and learn of me.  If you will talk to it, as you read and continue to allow my spirit to guide you. Absorb my words from the great book, and become one with it.  Study it to approve your knowledge, to be assured you have it to use. For the rest of your life I will continue to pass on to you the will of my desire. You will grow and be strong. You will never be lonely again. At sad times when you are alone this book given unto thee has everything you will ever need to sustain and keep you.  The clock will tick down to the hour, for three hundred thousand years of all life forms.  I will abide in you from this day forward, and protect you, if you will keep my words as your ways.  Beretta bows down to her knees. 
She cries out aloud. Lord! Lord! I am sorry! Please don’t leave me, my Lord!   Beretta said: I am a lonely lady, with no one to care.  I tried to be good, yet evil follows me. She pondered, wondering away from a submissive mindset, and moved to angry questions. Beretta takes a moment to think about the terrible things that has happened in her life. She was questioning, if the Great one loved her like He said. She wonders, why He would take her mother away from her. She get angry and starting telling Jesus how she fills about her lost. Wait a moment! Lord,  you left me alone without my mother. You don’t care about us! People that I have loved are dead! I am hurting, so badly missing my mother, Lord! I have learned that those who do good, die young. Those who are evil live and survive forever. You see, Lord my mother_ Beretta pauses! I don’t believe this!  You lied to me! You are here to destroy me. You are evil, not the God over all! Remembering all that she has read in the book of spirits she stops, for a moment. Beretta changes her thoughts and disbelief back to a heart of submission quickly as she changed.  She stops! Again and again Beretta stops trusting that she is speaking to the Lord.  Beretta said: You are not real, aren't you? How can you be? How can-you b-e-e-e- hesitating to continue! Beretta said to the God.  Lord! I am tired of this life, it hurts! My Lord!  I am so sorry!  Forgive me for questing you! I do believe in you!  I do! I do believe in you! Help me my Lord! Please! I don’t know what’s come over me!  Lord please help me! You are God?  I know you are God! I open up my heart to you, Lord. I love you and I believe with out a shadow of a doubt, that you are Lord!  I believe.
The End!
Author: © Rosetta Nesbitt January 6,


The beauty of love is when you can still stand in the mist of adversity, while still standing loving ones-self! If the universe is willing to be patient with us a little longer, we can sooner rather then later get it right! Once we know what it means to love others, we shall truly know what it is to love ourselves. It's not about the flesh to which we speak of self-love, it goes much deeper then that! If our inner spirit, should the conscious inside us growing to understand, we shall all know truth by its real name. The troubles around us only come to build up character in us and make us strong. We must endure hard times, and grow with each adversity, we are confronted with. The problem with most of us is that we have been taught that, it is not good that we should feel pain. Without pain, there cannot be any joy, without hate, there cannot be love, with out tears, and there cannot be laughter! We must understand that we are the God inside of us! We must embrace our inner strengths with care and compassion, toward ourselves first.  For in doing this we shall fulfill all interfering desires that keep us from loving others with understanding. In order to present love to others unconditionally, we must remove the conditions already placed inside of us!

I am filled to the rim in my heart, with overflowing love for man kind that it makes me feel, like I don't belong to this planet, because of the reactions I get for caring. I know that the universe agrees with me, because it speaks to me in the sound of my own voice. The universe informs me of what is to come here, and what shall be the part in us being truly revealed. Love! Love! Love! Love! Love with all things in consideration, practice self-love first!

It will be the hardest job we have ever been confronted with to learn to love ourselves genuinely! The beast is outside us, not in us! There is no room for the evil that seek to house it's homeless-self inside of us. Love has to take its rightful place and win the war against all evils in the world! We must not be willing participants of the tricks evil will try! If we suffer, sometimes it’s from consequences in participating in some parts of evil solicitation, decisions and temptations; therefore, it has rejected us when doing what is good! If evil rejects us, then love is our master. Take watch that you not be rocked to sleep by evil! for many have consented to this way!

Live a loving life of gratitude, and visual consciousness, being aware of your surroundings! Never let your love wax cold toward your familiar human tribes, (family), nor your enemies.  Yet embrace your enemy close, and keep your familiar tribes at a close distance. Feel your sisters, your brother’s pain, and hear their cries. Walk by their side, and be their comforter. They are not heavy; they are you sister, and your brothers. Lend them your shoulder to cry on, to feel, to walk with, and build one another up. Help them to breathe, to have the truth with them that they should live and not die, because love shall lift us all higher. The history of lies we’ve been feed have been taught to us not brought by us!

June, 25th 2011ove


I have never met God to his face, and I have never met evil to its face, but I have looked into the eyes of men, and saw God: as I have also seen evil in the face of man! God stabilizes through man, so does evil stabilizes through man! You and I are the only vessels either God, or evil uses to be effective for man, through man, so I say choose whom you will serve this day.

We are our own struggles. God, or evil need yours, and my permission to become activated in us. Like a vampire, once you ask evil inside, you can never put him out! God (Jesus), (Lord), (King), is yours and my only help in times of trouble, He’s here to rescuer us from our evil endurances! When we go off that narrow road, we become egotistical, vain, self-centered, lustful, distractible, carrying the badge of an untamed tongue that weighs us down in life as we know it to be! The tongue talks four our brains, and struggles against truth and reason in us! It is the science of no fact, still living the appearance of and hypothesizes, to think that we are fighting with something outside of us. Deception is a big road-block to us all!  Do you not know, that If God expects us to do right, to get into heaven he must know that the power of choice, to choose right, has to already be activated at our reach in order for us to exercise it in us. We see truth, and look the other way! We look truth right in the face, and still deny it, to have rights in our dwelling space! We look in the mirror and see truth and still deny it to perform in us.

Man kills man! Man feeds man! Man is the father of sins that renders his own seed to the death of truth. Such as did Adam in the beginning deny truth when asked of his disobedience? He denied his own part in accepting his disobedience to God, with Eve as the leading seducer of the wrong done. Adam in God’s eyes was not separate from Eve in the disobedience! They both played a part to the invitation of evil, when evil asked to be invited in! Now, we need the very God, who told us not to eat off the tree of knowledge, trying to save us from having to much responsibility, just to save us from what the tree stood for if eaten thereof! Whew God! I feel him talking in me! Speak Lord thy servant hear thee! Whew! God speaks through me! No!  Not I! But God is warning His people of this truth! We will need a lot of empty buckets, because we will have a lot of wrong to dump out of our lives, just so He can throw them into the sea of forgetfulness! I worry about old residues we carry.  Old residues of sin, and evil has been exposed by love, throughout, our lives, to shows us where we went wrong: just so it can justify cover us from a multitude of sins!
No! Love won’t be about black pits, evil doings, and garbage, but love will be about caring, mercy, compassion, and grace! Perfect love is pure love; it cannot be stained with waste.  It can not even be in the presence of filthiness and be comfortable. We must get rid of the waste first that pollute the very existence of good inside of us, then love can come in and live in the cleanest environment with it's inhabitation to perfection. Confession is good for the soul! Hum mm! Yes it is! We must all confess our faults one to another! We must dump the curses and the deceptions that had mated with our history! God is saying, out time is at hand, we have been given plenty of time in his eye, to reinforce the rebirthing of a generation cycle for our spiritual DNA inheritance!

Being rebirth to God, has been tampered with by the political and judicial system here on earth between good, and evil in man by having separated us from man with god, and drew man to the father of lies, for death, and destruction! Keeping with personal responsibility to dump our own mess, will only set us free to choose what is right to do! Dumping the devil off is to resist evil temptations, which is biggest job! Dump the mess, by refusal of it’s solicitation of you, because it’s in your power! I am not wounded by my past! It was my father, who walked into this life of a Masonic Gods! I am his seed!  It's not my fault where I was conceived! What is my fault is that I have been denying the father of my birth in flesh, and losing the father of my soul, and spirit. I had been deluded, in not knowing to asking, for my stake in the adoption of the sacrifices of Jesus life!  I want to come home to my Step-Parents, which Jesus God the father, and the Holy Ghost! I want to live in peace inside a heavenly bliss of my own will with God! I want to stop the drama, and the fake disguises of false truths! We are children of Jesus! Not Jesus' father, but Jesus was the one that died for us! We cannot go to his father, except we go through Jesus Christ first!

 Jesus requires circumcision cleansing, of the heart, mind, and body! Sins of omission and sins of commissions, has built its home in the spiritual warfare’s within the compounds of the surrounding evil! We justify, and excuse our flesh with the rhythm and the rhymes for reason, and lies to keep from doing the right things! There is always a way of escape! Example, we are flesh, we are human, we can't live spiritually, because we are flesh! Hum mm...  Our excuses are that we are not spirit beings yet, because we are housed in this weakened vessel called flesh; therefore, God knows we are, too, weak to resist our own flesh! Hum mm… God understand us!  Hum mm… isn’t that why He died, so we don't have to die?  It's okay to sin, because we are already forgiven! Hum mm... Yeah right!  The devil wrote the song and people sing these verses, some saints sing it, the world sings it: and on and on! Time for action!

I am an open book!  If I die in my choices to tell this message then so be it!  I want my soul to be right with god, and may the love of god be rendered in love, and truth throughout all living things!  Too, often we people run from doing what is right, but even wrongs is a taboo for most to entertain in a conversation in a debate! I would rather know the truth of my where-about with good and bad then not know and die in a sinful state unknowingly!  At least knowing the facts of truth around me, I can strengthen the knowledge of this fact and see my own participation right or wrong! To know is power, it is not a curse! Knowledge informs, and warns, not persecute, or deform and condemn us! We must learn how to get ourselves right with knowledge of truth even if it hurts us. The knowledge of our in wrongs can heal us sooner rather then latter! Know the truth! It is not always in a book, because books are written out of the mindset of the authors. You and I are the Authors of God’s truth, and He will inform us where we are if we only ask, within reason to change.