Monday, December 26, 2011

The Story Of the Geese

Once upon a time there was a little girl who lived outdoors with her mother, father, and little brother.  Everyday they wondered what they would eat.  It was very cold at night, and very hot in the day time. The family was without a home. They had no money to buy food, or clothing. There was a family of geese always around them in the park. One night the little girl said to her mother, Mommy does people pass by us, and see us living outdoors care. The little girl asked, why they won’t do something to help us mommy. The mother looked down at her little daughter and said, honey, do you see those families of geese over there, you see how they stay together, and walk in groups everywhere they go. Those geese are more human then humans themselves, they have more passion then some people when it comes to people caring whether we sleep or eat everyday. Honey you see, one day your father and I had a home. We brought you and your brother into the world when we had a beautiful big three story house with three and a half bathrooms. There was a big back yard with a pool and a swing. Oh how we use to have so much fun entertaining and having cookouts with our friends. You had your own room and your brother too. Your father and I use to sing you to sleep and you always needed the light on. Why mom, was I afraid of the dark. Well yes, kind of honey. Now, you sleep in the heart of the darkness without protection don’t you sweetie. Well that doesn't mean that your father and I won’t keep you safe, it just means that your fear of the dark has swallowed us all up into it. The good thing about you being in the darkness now is we are all swallowed into it together. We even got an adopted family of geese that stay around us all the time helping to protest us.  We use to have two cars and a refrigerator full of food. We even had all the ice cream you could ever want. Then one day your father lost his job, because they were losing money at the factory paying their employees. They let some of the workers go, and your father was one of the first to let go. Why mommy, didn't they know that daddy had two children that he had to provide for, the little girl said? Mommy don’t the president know that we live outside? I don’t know, sweet heart her mother said, I don’t know what is happening to us as a people, but I don’t think that we are big enough for the president to know about where we are living. But moms, if the president knew that there were two children living on the street wouldn't he order his policeman to help us? Well sweetie, I would assume so, but in the real world we must try to fend for ourselves in order to survive this.  Like the geese they don’t have a house either, or food stored up inside of a refrigerator, but God provides for them everyday. You know sweetheart the thing I think that helps those geese survive everyday is the fact that they stay together and get good exercise everyday, because they walk in group showing protection, support, and loyalty to one another. The little girl laid her head on the lap of her mother as they set on the park bench, and her mother begin to sing to her as she drifted off to sleep. The Little girl was sound a sleep, her mother looked down at her daughter with tears in her eyes and looked back up at the family of geese in the distance and said, someday the geese family will see that we need help and let us join their family group walks. Then the mother went to sleep herself while the father watched as his family slept. The little girl’s father wanted to keep his family safe, so he stayed awake. Time past and the father fell asleep unknowingly, but little did the family know the geese family would not leave their side they watch over them like they were part of their own geese family. The morning came and the little girl was the first to awake, she looked around with an intense look of alertness on her face to see if her family was okay after they slept all night.  She looked around with a sigh of relief knowing that everyone was safe. Then a miracle happened right before her eyes. One of the geese that she and her mother had seen the night before was giving birth to a baby geese right in front of her.  The little girl’s eyes got so big that she forgot that she hadn't eaten breakfast and was hungry when she had awakened earlier. She froze and marveled at the fact that she was watching geese give birth, and that she was witnessing it. Seeing the geese give birth showed her a picture inside her own head of her mother and father closely hovering around her being born in the hospital. She felt feeling of warmth and safety being with both her parents, they protected her.  She thought inside her head that the baby geese must be feeling this warmth that she had felt in the vision of her parents giving birth to her. I think the geese and the little girl forgot that they were both homeless at this point of my story. Just then the Mother awakens to see the birth as it unfolded. She said to her little daughter, Shy, Shy, keep quite, don’t move or make noise, or we will scare her and she might hurt the baby if she’s afraid and gets up and run away. The little girl never heard a word her mother said she was in such arc of the sight of the birth taken place. The mother knew that her daughter didn't hear her because she never looked back at her. The mother whispered honey did you hear me. There was no answer. The mother took a closer look at the little girl and saw that there were tears running down her daughters face. The mother was so touched by seeing her little girls crying that she begin to cry. While all this was taken place the groups of other geese family was all around the mother giving birth. They surrounded her to protect her and her baby from any potential danger. While the little girl and her mother was watching and crying they so caught up in the moment of the birth that they never noticed that the father and the littler brother was also crying and staring at this little miracle taking  place in front of them, too . Everyone was so in tuned to what was happening that they never notice the growled of people that was building up around them. This was such an emotion moment that one of the bystanders in the growled notified Channel Five, Seven and Nine News within minutes. The whole event was being filmed as it unfolded before them. Watching this miracle was one of the bountifulness’ of the sight.  Any one could see how nature worked well together with it’s habitats in any surrounding with the whole homeless family standing around the geese crying at the sight of the beauty of nature. That evening the geese was up and waking around. The homeless family watch as everyone walked away even the geese walked away with the whole pack of them together around the new mother and her baby for protection. All was quiet now, and the little girl asked her mother, mom what you think will happen to the geese now that they have a new baby. The little girl’s mother said, they will be a bigger family now. The geese will stay with each other until they grow apart and give birth to enough geese to start another group of geese that form a walking pack. In the mean time the whole pack of geese will continue to stay together in a pack walking as a group everywhere they go. Honey, did you know that the humans even honor the geese when they walk across the street in packs. The cars stop for them to pass. That’s a lot of power when numbers come together and protest their point this earn them respect.  If we could get other humans to care enough by walking together in large numbers someone will listen and this is a way to change our human situations, sweetheart. People like us and those who care must form groups to show their strength in numbers, and walking in a peaceful protect wouldn’t hurt our cause either.  Later that night little did the family know that the growled of people were concerned for them when the news showed the world a replay of their family all standing around the geese given birth, and their family all crying on the news. People called the news stations after seeing their family wanting to know where they could give a donation.  People wanted to help after such a moving sight took place with the homeless family and the geese. Everyone wanted to help this family get a home to live in.   Everyone around world that night watched but they family had no idea of what everyone had seen.  A police man came to the park and ask the family where they living in the park. They were afraid that the officer was going to make them leave, wondering where they would go then. This park was their home and safe place. Even the geese watch over them as there own. The officer said Maim, Sir I am going to have to take you and your family to the station. The officer said, now I don’t want no trouble just come along peacefully. So the family went with the officer to the station. When they got to the station they were told that someone paid for them to stay in a hotel for the night, and they would get up to a big breakfast before they meet with the person who donated the hotel to them. The family mumble among themselves in wonder as to who, what, was happening, and why. They decided not to worry and look a gift horse in the mouth, but just to take the gift and enjoyed it because they didn't know how long it was going to last.  The next day they family got out of bed late in the morning very hungry and well rested. They went to the hotel restaurant where there was a big breakfast spread out just for them. The little girl and her brother said, the same time, this is all ours Mom, Dad, and the parents said, I guess so, lets eat, don’t ask question, lets eat. They ate until their stomachs were full and bloated. The family enjoyed their meal.  An escort came and told them that they will be going shopping for some clothes and shoes; because someone very important wants to meet with them later in the day. The family was so excited that they just giggle and whispered among one another.  When they got back to the hotel from shopping the family was instructed to go take a bath and put on their new clothes. They didn't quite no what was going on, and they were also puzzled as to what changes were they in for after today.  The little girl thought to herself, all this because a baby geese was born. Little did the little girl know that the geese family got together and planed to make the people help them by walking in big number as geese family group. They knew that they would be seen because of the way the cars respected them when they walked across the street together. The geese were determined to get help for the family, but they never knew it was all planned this way by their geese friends. The baby being born in front of all the people was a trap to get the attention to the homeless family to help them and it worked.  Well another escort came to the room to get the family and bring them to a ball room in that same hotel. When they walked through the hotel hallway to get to the ballroom there were wall to wall people clapping and yelling yah! Yah! The family was more puzzled now then ever. When they got to the ballroom there were more people, thousands of them. Just when they were escorted into the room the president stepped up to the family and said, I would like to shake your hands Maim, Sir, and your little ones here. I saw your story on the television, and there were so many people pouring out money to help you, and you family.  I was so moved to do something myself that I sent for your family, because I wanted to be the first one to do something about your situation. I had you put up in the hotel for the night with all the food you could ever eat available to your family. The father was crying so hard the one of the secret service men begin to hold him as he was overcome with emotions. The president said, when I saw that you were homeless, watching your whole family crying on television as the geese gave birth, while the other geese stood around your and the birth like armed guards, it was a picture unforgettable. It was an overwhelming moment for the world to see that when their fellow citizens are in need, or troubled we can all pull together like the geese, support one another.  The little girl looked up at her mother with tears in her eyes and said, see mom I told you that the president cares about people who are homeless with little kids, see I told you the little girl said. The Mother looked at her husband and asked, do you think the geese walk did lead to all this on purpose for us. The husband said It’s possible honey, it’s possible, because it them that got us all this attention, so maybe so they could have walked us into our miracle. Salvation has come to us room our fellow human being who really cares and wanted to make a different where they could. The little girls said, Mom, dad, I believe in the geese. I believe in the human compassion, but after today, I also believe in our president. The miracle that took place today by our fellow human beings brought a feeling of sympathy and safety to us. We all made a difference by pulling together in numbers and now we have a home again.  The little girl sensed that the geese were around them near by the hotel. She ran to find a window to see if she was right. When she couldn't find a window the little girl ran out the hotels big double motor doors. Behold, there were about a hundred geese surrounding the hotel, marching in numbers around the hotel in support of their fellow friends from the park. The little girl waved at the geese and yelled fair well my fellow geese family, fair well and a tear fail from her left eye watching the geese all walk away in large numbers.

The end

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